Monday, June 15, 2009

Rushing Health Care Legislation

To Congress,

Please do not rush through health care legislation. Take the time to thoroughly discuss it and consider all the ramifications. Is it really wise to cut over $300 billion from Medicaid and Medicare benefits to pay for a new government run plan? This is a fine example of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Is it wise to tax work health care benefits to pay for a new government health care plan? Taxpayers are already overburdened. They can not afford these new taxes. In these harsh economic times perhaps a more limited plan would be advisable.

Perhaps Congress should only address the 46 million who do not currently have insurance. Even the 46 million number is inflated. At least 12 million of this number are illegal immigrants. The actual number could be many times this amount. While emergency care should be available for them, a government health care plan should not be. Others choose not to join a health care plan. They choose to gamble that they will not need it. If they are financially sound perhaps they could be required to join a plan that would only cover large medical expenses and pay smaller charges out of pocket.

Congress should consider these more limited, less expensive options. The large majority of Americans are satisfied with their plans. Private insurance companies can not compete with a government run, government subsidized plan. Private plans will be forced out of business. Americans would then be forced into the government program. We do not want to be forced into a government controlled plan.

The Electorate

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