Thursday, May 27, 2010

Get Serious: Secure the Border!

American citizens have been asking the federal government to secure our southern border. American lives are at risk. Tuesday the Administration made an almost useless gesture. The President threw a bone to the clamoring American public. He said that he would send 1200 of the National Guard to help secure the border. That would be one member of the National Guard every one and two-thirds miles. Is this supposed to secure the border? Is this a bad joke? The government needs to send ten times this number. We need 12,000 troops – not 1,200.

Early reports state that the troops sent will be used in administrative positions. We need “Boots on the Border” and not “Boots under Desks”. Currently border patrol agents are out gunned and out numbered. The National Guard could correct this problem.

Meanwhile where is the fence that we have been promised for the last twenty-five years? We can reduce our unemployment rate by hiring workers to BUILD the FENCE. In areas where a fence has been built the borders are significantly more secure.

Neither Democrats nor Republicans are serious about securing the border. Democrats see more Democratic voters. Republicans see cheap labor. The public sees a serious problem that threatens their lives and the national security. We are tired of governmental dithering.

The primary job of the federal government is to protect its citizens. SECURE THE BORDER –NOW! Finish the fence and send at least ten thousand of the National Guard to secure the border

The Electorate

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Health Care Rationing May Be Our Future

During the health care debate the public expressed concern that the health care bill would result in rationing and bureaucrats denying health care because it deemed that care to not be cost effective. We were told by politicians that we were being foolish and that that would never happen.

NOW let us look at the man that President Obama has nominated to head Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). What are the beliefs and policies advocated by Donald Berwick? CMS is the world’s second largest health care insurance provider - only Great Britain’s NHS is larger. Currently the CMS covers over 98 million Americans and has a budget of around 800 million tax payer dollars. It provides health care coverage for almost one-third of our population.

Donald Berwick is a big supporter of the rationed British system. He has stated, “I am romantic about NHS. I love it.” He has also said, “Any health care funding plan that is equitable civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer...Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.” He believes we should have a socialized health care system like that found in Great Britain. Of course, their survival rate for nearly every disease is significantly lower than ours.

The British rationing system (NICE) denies treatment if they deem this treatment to not be cost effective. Berwick supports this cost cutting rationing saying, “NICE is extremely effective.” I’m sure that the people who die because their treatment is denied, don’t appreciate this cost effectiveness.

The health care bill that Congress passed, against the wishes of the American people, has placed an unbearable burden on our health care system. We do not have the money to pay for it and we do not have enough medical providers. We will have another EMERGENCY. Isn’t it fortuitous that last year Congress established the Comparative Effectiveness Research panel (CER)? What a coincidence! We already have a bureaucratic panel that will determine who is “cost effective” and may receive medical treatment. If Donald Berwick’s nomination is approved he can approve and administer this health care rationing. He has already praised the British rationing system and would support it in this country. When asked if CER would lead to rationing he replied, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”

This sounds like a “Death Panel” to me. The question is whether Congress will allow Donald Berwick, a health care rationing enabler, to be appointed to run the CMS.

The Electorate

Monday, May 17, 2010

Deficit Spending

For over a year people have been protesting Washington’s out-of-control spending and the rising deficit. Congress said it was listening to the people and passed Pay/Go. The concept is good, but Congress has exempted many, many project from the Pay/Go requirements. Since Pay/Go was passed, Congress has increased deficit spending by 173 billion dollars. Pay/Go will only work if Congress actually abides by it.

Before the Memorial Day recess Congress proposes to spend 200 billion more dollars. Congress’ pledge to spend tax payer dollars carefully has quickly vanished. This is Washington spending as usual.

Is Congress observing what is happening in Greece? Greece has piled entitlements on entitlements. Greece has been spending money it does not have. Greece is facing bankruptcy. The IMF is bailing out Greece – We are bailing out Greece. This is like Germany bailing out California. We should not be bailing out the EU.

Greece should be a cautionary tale for the United States. Congress has just placed a massive entitlement (Health Care) on the shoulder of the citizens of the United States. Congress has been spending massive amounts of money that we do not have. Washington needs to wake up and smell the rotting roses.

Congress is ignoring the proposed 2011 budget. They do not want to consider it in an election year. They know that the public is disgusted with Congress’ massive deficit spending. The 2011 budget spends 3.38 TRILLION dollars. This is a 9.7 percent increase over this year’s budget – which was a massive increase over the 2009 budget. The proposed 2011 budget includes 1.56 TRILLION dollars of deficit spending.

Congress needs to really listen to the voice of the people. Congress needs to stop spending money that we do not have. Congress is running down the road to ruin. Stop and reverse course!

The ultimate authority...resides in the people alone (James Madison). Congress serves at the pleasure of the people. The people are not happy.

The Electorate

Friday, May 7, 2010

We Need Secure Borders

It is the responsibility of the federal government to secure and protect our borders. For years violence has been spreading across our southern borders. Why is the federal government not stopping this?

How many more violent crimes must occur before the government is willing to take action? The federal government needs to send the National Guard to our southern border to stop this invasion. The federal government needs to start building the promised fence – again. The PRIMARY job of the federal government is to PROTECT the American people. When will the government do this?

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison states while the federal government is responsible for protecting our borders that if it does not or can not do this that states retain the right of self-defense. States are ALLOWED to defend themselves. That is what Arizona is doing. It would not have been forced to do this if the federal government had been doing its job.

Long debates can be reserved for the future. The borders need to be secured NOW.

The Electorate

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Puerto Rico Democracy Act

I have no objection to Puerto Rico becoming a state, if that is what the citizens of Puerto Rico want. Currently they have most of the advantages of statehood without the disadvantages (taxes). Puerto Rico has voted three times to remain a territory.

I do object to the parsing of words. If you don’t like the answer to your question, you change the question. Washington is trying to ask the question so that they get the answer they want.

The Puerto Rico Democracy Act proposes a two step process. In the first election the citizens of Puerto Rico will be asked if they wish to maintain or change Puerto Rico’s current status. It is likely a majority will vote for change, since they hold a variety of opinions concerning the type of government they want. Then a second election would be held, which would give them four choices: statehood; full independence; independence with political associations with the United States; and retaining their current commonwealth status.

It is almost inevitable that none of the four choices will receive a majority of the votes. Statehood may indeed receive the highest percentage of votes, but without receiving a majority of votes. If Puerto Rico is to become a state, it needs to be supported by a majority of its citizens. A minority should not be allowed to dictate the type of government that the majority must have.

This matter should be decided by a simple vote. Do you or do you not wish statehood? Let the majority decide. Eliminate the legal eagle wording and political maneuvering.

The Electorate