Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Health Care Rationing May Be Our Future

During the health care debate the public expressed concern that the health care bill would result in rationing and bureaucrats denying health care because it deemed that care to not be cost effective. We were told by politicians that we were being foolish and that that would never happen.

NOW let us look at the man that President Obama has nominated to head Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). What are the beliefs and policies advocated by Donald Berwick? CMS is the world’s second largest health care insurance provider - only Great Britain’s NHS is larger. Currently the CMS covers over 98 million Americans and has a budget of around 800 million tax payer dollars. It provides health care coverage for almost one-third of our population.

Donald Berwick is a big supporter of the rationed British system. He has stated, “I am romantic about NHS. I love it.” He has also said, “Any health care funding plan that is equitable civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer...Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.” He believes we should have a socialized health care system like that found in Great Britain. Of course, their survival rate for nearly every disease is significantly lower than ours.

The British rationing system (NICE) denies treatment if they deem this treatment to not be cost effective. Berwick supports this cost cutting rationing saying, “NICE is extremely effective.” I’m sure that the people who die because their treatment is denied, don’t appreciate this cost effectiveness.

The health care bill that Congress passed, against the wishes of the American people, has placed an unbearable burden on our health care system. We do not have the money to pay for it and we do not have enough medical providers. We will have another EMERGENCY. Isn’t it fortuitous that last year Congress established the Comparative Effectiveness Research panel (CER)? What a coincidence! We already have a bureaucratic panel that will determine who is “cost effective” and may receive medical treatment. If Donald Berwick’s nomination is approved he can approve and administer this health care rationing. He has already praised the British rationing system and would support it in this country. When asked if CER would lead to rationing he replied, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”

This sounds like a “Death Panel” to me. The question is whether Congress will allow Donald Berwick, a health care rationing enabler, to be appointed to run the CMS.

The Electorate

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