Friday, May 7, 2010

We Need Secure Borders

It is the responsibility of the federal government to secure and protect our borders. For years violence has been spreading across our southern borders. Why is the federal government not stopping this?

How many more violent crimes must occur before the government is willing to take action? The federal government needs to send the National Guard to our southern border to stop this invasion. The federal government needs to start building the promised fence – again. The PRIMARY job of the federal government is to PROTECT the American people. When will the government do this?

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison states while the federal government is responsible for protecting our borders that if it does not or can not do this that states retain the right of self-defense. States are ALLOWED to defend themselves. That is what Arizona is doing. It would not have been forced to do this if the federal government had been doing its job.

Long debates can be reserved for the future. The borders need to be secured NOW.

The Electorate

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