Monday, July 13, 2009

Jobs and Small Businesses

To Congress:

The majority of new jobs comes from small businesses. If the growth of small businesses can be stimulated, new jobs would be created.

What is the best and most immediate way to accomplish this? Some have suggested using TARP funds for this. The TARP Bill stated that all returned funds would be applied to the national debt. It can not legally be used in this manner, nor would it be a good idea. Government money always comes with strings and government controls. If the government made loans to small businesses, the government would be able to control how this money was used. Other restrictions would most likely be added.

Small businesses know what would most help their businesses - not the government. Soon we would have thousands of mini GM's. They would, in effect, all be controlled by the government. No doubt a Small Business Czar would be appointed. We have enough bureaucracies. It has also been suggested that the government could guarantee small business loans. That didn't work very well with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac.

The most EFFECTIVE way to stimulate the growth of small businesses is to lower their taxes. It is direct and immediate. No applications have to be filled out. No approval is needed. It would help all small businesses. Businesses could use this saved money in the way they know would most help their business. They know what they need. Most small businesses file taxes
as individuals. Most new proposals would raise - not lower - their taxes. This would create job loss in a time we desperately need job growth. If Congress is concerned about the high rate of unemployment, it needs to address this by lowering small business taxes.

1 comment:

  1. Very articulate and well thought out. I believe the small business owner has a new champion in you!
