Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Practical Health Care Solution

I would like to suggest a condensed health care plan.

1. Doctors – not bureaucrats - determine appropriate treatment.
2. Don’t gut Medicare to pay for health reform.
3. No one should be excluded because of a pre-existing condition.
4. Provide full scholarships for primary care doctors.
5. Enact real tort reform – cap “pain and suffering” awards and instigate a “loser pays” policy for medical malpractice suits.
6. Allow citizens to buy health care insurance across state lines.
7. Subsidize premiums for low income families.
8. Drop the public option. It is too expensive for both the country and its citizens.

Please do not try to hide controversial items in lengthy, convoluted bills. Read the bills and make them available to the public at least five days before Congress votes on them. Be open and transparent. Respect the intelligence of your constituents.

The Electorate

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