Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why I Write

Sometimes I wonder why I take the time to write to Congress. Is anyone listening? I don’t want to write. I do have a life. However, I feel compelled to write. I have been horrified by Washington’s actions in the last year. Washington has lost its way. They have forgotten who they are and who we are. Americans are an independent, stubborn people with a strong sense of justice. We don’t want government to run our lives. We do not want handouts. Our fate should be in our own hands.

Washington has forgotten what has made this country great. The Constitution has become something that lawyers try to circumvent. They play word games with it. We know what it means. The Constitution can only legally be changed by amendment. Stop trying to pervert its meaning for your own purposes. I see our Republic and all we hold dear under attack, and I can’t just silently sit back and watch it happen.

This country was formed by men and women who put everything on the line to guarantee basic human rights for themselves and their posterity. Some of my ancestors were among them. Through the years others fought and bled and died defending our rights to this free government. Men and women are still fighting and dying for it. I can’t now be silent while you try to alter or dismantle this government. I couldn’t live with myself if I did. We have a trust with the future.

So I will continue to write. I will come to Washington, if I must, and stand with like minded citizens. This country is worth standing up for.

The Electorate

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