Tuesday, February 16, 2010

National Debt: Debt Reduction Commission

It is encouraging that the federal government is beginning to realize that this country has a debt problem. However I believe that a Debt Reduction Commission is merely a ruse. It is the vehicle that will be used to justify tax increases. The President says he is agnostic about raising taxes. This is Harvard speak for he supports tax increases. During the campaign it was obvious that he could not finance his expensive, expansive agenda by only taxing “the rich”. The middle class will be expected to shoulder the burden too.

We can save the expense of a Debt Reduction Commission. Who doesn’t know that this country has a debt problem? There are only two ways to reduce our debt. We must spend less or tax more. This is not rocket science!

If taxes are raised during a recession, the economy will go into another tail spin. History also shows that if a government raises taxes, government revenue actually decreases. It would be counter productive to raise taxes.

The federal government really, really wants to implement its expensive, power expanding new programs. It must resist this compulsion. Pet projects can wait. The national debt is dragging down the country.

The government needs broad-based spending cuts. Waste and redundancies are rampant in the federal government. In the eighties the government had an independent study to cut costs without effecting performance. The study more than paid for itself.

PAYGO is a good baby step. It would be more significant if waivers were not offered for so many projected programs.

We don’t need a Debt Reduction Commission. We need some common sense in Washington. Cut the wasteful spending! Cut the pet pork projects! Eliminate all earmarks! Be responsible with taxpayer money.

The Electorate

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