Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Health Care: Let The People Decide

On Saturday the President said that “we owe the American people an up or down vote on health care”. WHAT a marvelous idea it would be if the AMERICAN PEOPLE could actually vote on the health care bill! This bill affects one-sixth of the American economy and our very lives. Remove politics and party loyalty from the equation and let the people decide if they want this bill.

Representative democracy only works if the representatives actually represent the opinions of their constituents. The American people feel ignored. We are the forgotten souls in this debate.

For over a year the Administration and Congress have focused on health care when their primary attention should have been on jobs. Ideology has trumped need.

Most people receive health care insurance at work. Since the beginning of the recession we have lost 8.4 million jobs. If you allow three family members per job that equals about 25 million people who have lost health care insurance because they have lost their jobs. Ironically this is close to the number of people the Washington proposes to provide health insurance for in their multi-trillion dollar bill. If Washington would focus on job growth, these people could receive health care insurance from their employers at a much lower cost.

In reality the health care debate is more about the federal government securing more power and authority over our lives than it is about more people obtaining health care. Time and time again the American people have told Washington that we want limited, incremental changes to our health care system. We do not want the government to take over health care. What do we have to do to get Congress to listen?

The Electorate

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