Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Care: Spending

This country can’t afford a large government run health care plan. Claiming “we can’t afford not to” is not a logic or legitimate excuse. Congress has already spent all the money we have and more. Congress spent 787 billions dollars on a stimulus bill that didn’t stimulate. Congress passed a 410 spending bill with nearly 9,000 earmarks. Congress expanded SChip to families that earn over $80,000. The government is spending money they do not have on things we do not want or need. There is nothing left to spend. No one wants to loan us more money. If we continue to print money, that is not backed, we risk runaway inflation. No government or family can continue to spend money they do not have. Your bank account is empty. Stop writing checks.

The majority of Americans do not want a government run, government controlled health care plan anyway. Congress needs to pass health care reform that Americans actually want. We want health care that we control. We want tort reform to help lower costs. We need to eliminate needless tests and frivolous law suits. We want a wide assortment of plans, which can also be purchased across state lines; so, that we can select the plan that is best for us. We want no person to be excluded because of a pre-existing condition. We are willing to subsidize premiums f or those who “truly” need it. We want more doctors and nurses. The government could provide scholarships to those seeking to enter these fields. In return these new doctors and nurses could agree to work in clinics for a set number of years. Congress needs to pursue solutions that will actually work instead of a utopia they think they can create.

The Electorate

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