Thursday, July 30, 2009

Public Co-op: A Rose is a Rose

Suggestions have been made in Congress that the health care bill could omit the public option and could instead include a public co-op. The term public co-op is contradictory. A co-op by nature is not public. It is not associated with the government.

Health co-ops like the one in Washington State are member owned -that is to say private. The hospital board is comprised of co-op members, who are elected by the co-op members. Any profit is reinvested in the co-op. It is not a part of a government entity. Other health co-ops, such as the Farmers Co-op, is comprised of individuals, who join together to obtain lower private insurance rates.

What is a public health co-op? It sounds like another name for a government run, government controlled health care plan. People are opposed to a government run plan; so, lets call it a public co-op. The sounds so much better. It seems that a public co-op is a public option is a government run, government controlled health care program. As Shakespeare once said "a rose by any other name...."

Can Congress stop trying to throw away the health care system we like and just seek to improve it by lowering costs and extending coverage? We ask you to address fraud and tort reform and to make these private plans more available with no exclusions because of preexisting conditions. We really do not want the government involved in our health care decisions. We want to make our own decisions.

The Electorate

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care Reform We Want

We have the best health care system in the world. Could it be made better? Of course, it could. Let’s improve it – not throw it away. We do not need a completely new system. We just need to correct its current problems. Here are things that should be addressed in health care reform.

1. We do not want government run, government controlled health care. The government should not be involved in our medical decisions. These are decisions we should make with the advice of our doctors. Any new plans should be private sector plans.

2. A variety of plans, in the private sector, should be available. Individuals have different needs and should be able to select the plan that best fits them. One size does not fit all in medicine.

3. Pre-existing conditions should not exclude anyone from health care.

4. Small businesses should be able to pool together – like IGA grocers do – so that more affordable health care plans are available to them.

5. One-third of those currently uninsured can afford health care. Some have declined plans available to them at work. They are gambling that they will not need health care insurance. If they do not choose to enroll in a health care plan, they should be required to post a bond=2 0for medical expenses that they can not pay for out-of-pocket.

6. One-third of the uninsured is eligible for Medicaid. Enroll them.

7. Twenty percent of the uninsured are not legally in this country. They should only receive emergency care. They should not be given health care coverage.

8. This would leave less than ten million citizens that need health care. The private sector could offer coverage to this group. The government could supplement premiums, as financially needed. Financial aid should not be given to anyone whose income exceeds the national average income.

9. Health care reform is meaningless if we do not have tort reform. This will lower health care costs. Unnecessary tests are now ordered because doctors are forced to practice defensive medicine. Frivolous law suits would be greatly reduced if the plaintiff, in unsuccessful cases, is required to pay court costs and the legal costs of both parties. Malpractice premiums would be reduced, which in turn would lower health care costs.

10. Fraud is rampant in Medicare and Medicaid. The government needs to better regulate its health care plans. Fraud in the private sector is much lower.

11. Senior coverage is shrinking. It is now being reduced by ten percent, as more and more baby boomers enter the system. Other cuts are being considered. Age will be a determining factor in deciding what treatment – if any – may be used. Old people are becoming disposable.

12. This country needs catastrophic health care coverage. Over half those who are forced into bankruptcy because of medical costs have health care coverage.

These reforms would improve our health care system instead of throwing it on the trash heap. The vast majority of people like their health care plans. We ask Congress to improve our health care plans – not to destroy them. We do not want a government take-over of our health care.

The Electorate

Monday, July 27, 2009

Health Care: Plans We Don't Want

Does Congress ever wonder why so many people are opposed to their health care proposals? Let me enlighten you.

1. The government claims that everyone will be covered; the quality of health care will be better; and health care will costs less. Does anyone believe this is possible? The American people are not that gullible.

2. The health care proposals are too expensive. Health care constitutes one-sixth of our economy. A government run option is not only expensive, it is undesirable.

3. No matter who Congress says will pay for these proposals, we know that the people will eventually pay for it – in higher taxes, higher premiums, or in lost jobs.

4. Congress is not properly addressing real ways to cut health care costs. Fraud is rampant in current government run health care programs. It is estimated that this fraud costs taxpayers about one billion dollars a year. Fraud is dramatically lower in private programs. They very actively seek to curb it.

5. Tort reform is not addressed. This would greatly reduce the number of unnecessary tests order. Doctors would not be forced to practice CYA medicine. It would limit the number of frivolous law suits, which would reduce malpractice insurance and lower the cost of health care.

6.When more people are covered and the number of doctors stay the same, you must have longer waits. Rationing is a given.

7. The quality of care would deteriorate. Doctors would have less time with patients and the government proposes limiting which treatments are available.

8. The stimulus bill provided for panels which would determine what treatments are “cost effective” and who may receive these treatments. If you are old or chronically ill your options would be even more limited. The government would determine if you had the right to survive. Isn’t this compassionate and Orwellian?

9. One size does not fit all in medicine. There are too many variables. Doctors must decide what treatment is best. The government should not interfere.

10. One politician actually said that it is the duty of old people to die and get out of the way. What a rich resource would be thrown away if we did this.

11. Small businesses would be taxed up to 8% if they did not provide health care to employees. The plans they offer must also meet set government standards. Small business is the engine of our economy. This would cost many jobs. Jobs are what the country currently needs most.

12. By refusing to exclude abortion from government insurance standards, abortion will, as courts have previously decided, be included. No matter where you stand on abortion, disagreeing taxpayers should not be forced to pay for it and doctors should not be forced to perform it, if it is against their conscience. There are nearly one thousand Catholic hospitals in this country. The Catholic religion – freedom of religion still does exist – condemns abortion. These Catholic hospitals would cease to exist. If they didn't meet government requirements they would not be eligible to receive government funds. Hospitals need these funds to stay in business.

The health care bills in Congress are rushed, ill-considered plans. A government take-over of health care is not wanted or needed. We need thought out good health care reform. Congress needs to do a good job – not a quick job. These problems have existed for decades. Please do this right.

The Electorate

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Age Discrimination in Heath Care Bill

Older citizens do not fare well in any of the health care proposals. Age discrimination is rearing its ugly head. At a time in one's life when they most need health care, our older citizens will be the least likely to receive it. Since hospital and doctor fees are being reduced in Medicare, fewer and fewer health care providers will accept Medicare. Currently, only about half this country's doctors accept Medicare. Fewer MRI and CT scans will be allowed. No doubt other procedures and treatments will also be limited. The stimulus bill provided for a panel that would determine what treatments are "cost effective". The cost of treatment will be divided by the years of benefit that may be derived from the treatment. Older citizens will be at the bottom of that list. Using this policy, the President's mother would have just been denied treatment and would not have struggled with all the paperwork.

Side thought - Why didn't her lawyer son help her with the paperwork?

As medical costs rise for older citizens, they will become disposable. Good-bye Grandma! Good-bye Grandpa! It's been nice knowing you. You were once useful, but we don't need you anymore. Treatment denied - by a bureaucrat. This is, in effect, forced euthanasia. We can be judged by how we treat our oldest and youngest citizens. How do you wish to be judged?

Any health care reform passed should not be an anti "old folks" bill.

The Electorate

Friday, July 24, 2009

Unemployment Rate: Is it Factual?

Unemployment is the most pressing problem we currently face. The economy can not recover while we are bleeding jobs. The unemployment rate is currently listed at 9.5%. This is abysmal, but is it really factual? Why is the unemployment rate based only on those who are currently receiving unemployment benefits? It does not include those who are no longer eligible to receive unemployment benefits, but are still unemployed. If they were included the unemployment rate would already be over 10%. Does their exclusion just make the situation sound better?

Hiding the real numbers does not change the reality of them. The unemployment rate also does not take into consideration the number of people who are under-employed. People who were once employed full time, but have now been forced to accept part-time work. Part-time work is better than no work and putting food on the table is desirable. The unemployment rate should be based on actual, complete numbers. Only then can we face and address the full problem.

The Electorate

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Economy: Congressional Priorities

Congress needs to readjust its priorities. It should be concentrating on reviving the ailing economy. This is the vital issue. Unemployment will soon be ten percent. Instead Congress is concentrating on an energy bill and a health care bill. These may be important but are not vital. In fact, both these bills, as they are being proposed, will adversely effect the economy.

What we need is more jobs. Small businesses drive our economy and create most of our new jobs. These bills will cripple small businesses and many will cease to exist. These bills will cause job loss. Agendas can wait. The economy can not. Ask someone, who is out of work, if he or she would rather have a job or guaranteed health care. Ask them if they would rather have a job or reduce carbon emission by under one percent by the end of the century. The answers would be unanimous - jobs.

Any bill that is passed should not be detrimental to the economy. Every bill should be looked at through the prism of the economy. That should be Congress' priority.

The Electorate

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Health Care: Problems, Not Crisis

To Congress:

Our health care system does need to be improved, but we do not have a health care crisis. The problems we face now are the same problems we have faced for decades. Only 16% of Americans are uninsured - some by choice. Crisis is merely the vehicle being used to rush through hasty legislation that can not be debated or even read.

Have you yet signed the pledge to read this bill before voting on it? As of this morning you hadn't.

Even though we need improvement in our health care system, 84% of Americans are satisfied with their health care plan. Why is Congress seeking to throw away these plans and replacing them with a plan that has a history of only failure? Nationalized health care is socialized health care. Universal health care is socialized health care. Don't play word games.

The United Kingdom and Canada have nationalized health care. It has worked poorly in these countries. There are long waits, limited and denied treatment, and their health care systems are very expensive. Health care is driving these countries into bankruptcy. Massachusetts has universal health care. The results here are echoing those in the United Kingdom and Canada. If you wish to see how the United States government would run nationalized health care, you only need to look at Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA health care system. They too have long waits, limited and inferior treatment, and high expenses. This is compounded by fraud and bureaucracy. Now you want to share this misery with everyone else in the country. We say "No Thanks". We do not want your government run, government controlled plan.

The only thing Congress needs to do is to address uninsured citizens who can not afford health care insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid. This can be done in the private sector. Leave the rest of our plans alone. A government run plan would destroy private plans.

The Electorate

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Destroying the Economy

We see the economy struggling to recover. As it does, Congress and the Administration continue to erect roadblocks that will prevent it. They seek to place more and more burdens on businesses - large and small. Small business is the engine of our economy. Normally small businesses create about 70% of our new jobs. Currently, small businesses are creating almost all of our new jobs. Big business is standing back waiting to see what basic rules the government will change next.

Government has turned the world upside down with its business take-overs and business controls. New and higher taxes are being purposed. More and more, the government is telling businesses what they can and cannot do. Cap + Trade will strangle businesses unless they are one of the select few who will wildly profit from it. Small businesses will be devastated. Health care mandates will damage businesses and Congress ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans do not want a large invasive government run plan. We want a smaller, less expensive privately run plan. Government, however, likes large, expensive legislation that increases its size and power.

As the federal government taxes and spends, seeking to extend its control of our lives and livelihoods, it is killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. If you destroy the economy, you are also destroying yourselves. Washington politicians remind me of the story of the frog and scorpion. The scorpion stings the frog even though he knows his actions will drown them both. When he was asked why he did it, he replied "It's the nature of a scorpion". It is the nature of politicians to seek more power and control even though they must know their greed will destroy the system that gives them their power.

Washington needs to control its nature and its urge to tax,spend, and increase its power and size. Can you think of the good of the country and be an American not a politician?

The Electorate

Monday, July 20, 2009

Card Check

I want to congratulate Congress for dropping card check from the Employee Free Choice Act. Congress has stood up for the American worker and upheld their right to a secret ballot. The secret ballot is the keystone of democracy. Congress did the right thing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Health Care: Reform We Actually Need

While I am against a government run health care option, this country does need health reform. There are issues that actually need to be addressed. Costs need to be curtailed and health care needs to be made more available.

Many doctors have already computerized health records. It is logical; can prevent mistakes; and makes it more efficient and less costly to file claims. Fraud must be addressed. Every year billions of health care dollars are wasted on fraudulent claims. Tort reform is needed. Frivolous law suits could be reduced by requiring plaintiffs to pay court costs and attorneys fees in unsuccessful cases. Contingency attorneys' fees should be limited to a reasonable set percentage of the award. If frivolous law suits were reduced, medical costs would be reduced and there would be fewer unnecessary tests order. CYA medicine is wasteful medicine.

Health care does need to be made available to all legal citizens. No one should be excluded because of a preexisting condition. About 16% of our population does not currently have health care insurance. One-third of the uninsured could afford insurance, but choose not to do so. One-third of the uninsured are eligible for Medicaid, but for some reason they have not applied. At least 20% of the uninsured are not in this country legally. They should only receive emergency care, not health care insurance. The uninsured who are not in these groups could receive health care insurance from private plans in which premiums are subsidized by the government according to need. If this were done every American would have access to health care that THEY controlled.

The government should not be involved in our medical decisions. It should not be involved in decisions that may effect whether we live or we die.

The Electorate

Friday, July 17, 2009

DMV of Health Care

America really, really does NOT want a government run, government controlled, health care option. A government run health care plan would be the DMV version of health care with the added disadvantage of rationing. We want to control our own health care. We actually do know what is best for us. We have seen government controlled health care. It is inefficient, wasteful, and inferior to private health care plans. Surprisingly we do not want inferior health care. Imagine that!

Reform is needed, but we want improvement not a government take-over. If you so approve of a government run, government controlled option and vote to include it in a health care bill, then you and your family should be required to enroll in the government run plan. If it's good enough for the American people, it should be good enough for you.

The Electorate

Side note from the Daughter of the Electorate: Why does the government believe that they could efficiently run a nationwide public health care system? Medicare and Medicaid, both government run health care systems, are rife with fraud and abuse and are difficult for those in the system to navigate. The Veteran's health care system, also government run, has been in the news on a regular basis for quite awhile now with stories of inept and deadly mistakes. If the government cannot first fix these systems, why should we believe they can create one that actually works?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Health Care and Public Option

No health care bill should include a public option. The private sector can offer health care plans for those who do not currently have health care insurance. The government could supplement premiums as the individual's finances dictate.

A public option that is subsidized by tax dollars would slowly strangle private plans. The government would force medical providers to accept lower fees. This loss of fees would result in higher costs for private plans. As the price of private plans increases businesses would find it more cost effective to pay government fines for not providing health care than the cost of providing health care benefits. Eventually only the government option will survive.

Anyone who has ever dealt with a government option knows what a truly bad option it is. The government should not control health care. Every individual needs to control their own health care.

The Electorate

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Comprehensive Energy Bill

First and foremost no energy bill that Congress passes should contain Cap + Trade. It will destroy our economy! All it does is punish - by taxing - anyone who uses fossil fuel. Companies may pay the initial tax, but we will pay for it in higher prices and more lost jobs. We have no choice but to use fossil fuels. Why punish us?

Congress seems to like comprehensive plans. Can Congress pass a comprehensive energy bill? This bill should address current, midterm, and future needs. For at least the next fifteen to twenty years, oil will play a significant role in our energy needs. We do not have to depend on foreign oil. We have large amounts of oil and oil shale in our country. The government simply will not let us drill for it. Drilling techniques have advanced greatly. We can drill responsibly. There are areas in which wells could be drilled and pumping oil within two to three years. Why not use our oil and create more jobs here? We would also keep our trade dollars here.

We need to drill for natural gas. We have vast amounts of natural gas and it is a clean burning fuel. We need to build more nuclear energy plants. This, too, would create new jobs and is a clean source of energy. New sources of energy need to be developed. As they are developed and widely available we can transition to these new sources of energy. However, we can not stay in a holding pattern as these new sources are developed. We must use what energy is currently available.

Can Congress pass a truly comprehensive energy bill?

The Electorate

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Questions of Common Sense

These are 8 questions posed by Glenn Beck in his book, Common Sense - The Case Against An Out-Of-Control Government, inspired by Thomas Paine. Americans may, in general, have much more in common than we imagine if you compare my answers to yours.

1. Do you trust those in power to always tell you the hard truth - especially if it would hurt them at election time?

No. That's the simplest way to say it. If it will hurt their chances to get elected, I do not trust either of my Congressmen or my Representative to tell me the truth. My Representative is already running campaign style ads even though she was elected a little over 8 months ago. She is boasting over TARP and pushing the Health Care bill.

2. How is it possible that every president since Jimmy Carter has promised to lower our dependence on foreign oil, but now we import more oil than ever from countries that do us harm?

They lie to us? Or more correctly, they tell us what we want to hear and then go forward with what their plans were all along. I wonder how much of our dependence on foreign oil is the result of back room dealing. We could have easily drilled for and processed more oil than we have. Off-shore drilling has become safer and more efficient than ever. The main problem lies in transport (where most spillage happens) and in processing. We have a dearth of plants to process crude oil. It's from the "not in my backyard" syndrome. It sounds like a good idea but no one wants it near them.

3. Are we to honestly believe that the country that took the idea of a man walking on the moon and turned it into a reality within eight years, or the country that built a transcontinental railroad in seven years (without power tools or machines) doesn't have the ability to completely build the 670-mile fence along our southern border that was promised to us in 2005?

They seem to expect us to believe it. I'm under the impression that our elected officials do not have a high opinion of the intelligence or memories of their constituents. That must be why they keep making promises and yet never following through. We are an advanced, accomplished nation who, for the most part, is not afraid of a little hard work. The fence could have easily been constructed no later than 2007. That would anger a voting block though (ignoring the fact that if a person is here illegally they are not supposed to be voting). Our government seems to prefer blaming American landowners along the border for any violence that occurs instead of the people trespassing on and vandalizing their land. Unfortunately, unless an massive, tragic event that cannot be ignored by those in power occurs as a result of the unsecured southern border it is unlikely to happen.

4. Why are the same politicians who insist America is a "melting pot" the first ones to insist that different races, nationalities, and ethnicities retain their distinct languages, identities, and practices?

I had a hard time with this question, or more correctly, I had a hard time not answering it as "they're idiots who'd rather stump for future votes than follow our laws and customs." This country has been shaped by those immigrants who came here legally (by what ever laws governed their time) and adapted to us as we adapted to them. They took the time and had the pride to want to become part of their new home. They did not want to retain all of where they had left. If they did, they would never have left. I can trace on my father's side ancestors who came to this country before the Revolution and on my mother's side ones who immigrated at the turn of the 20th Century. Each took on the new language, customs and traditions of their new home while integrating some of their own traditions. The point is to mix and adapt.

5. Why are those who respectfully question the science behind global warming mocked and condemned?

If you can not defend your reasons, you mock those who question you. It's a distraction technique. To quote Mahatma Gandhi, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

6. Do you believe that your elected representatives view themselves as truly being "public servants" who place your well-being above their own?

I believe they tell themselves that as they pat their own backs. In reality, they toe the party line without regard to the input of their constituents. I do not think they realize they can be voted OUT of office as easily as they were voted IN.

7. Do you believe that those in Washington see your face when they make decisions or, instead, the faces of those who richly contribute to their campaigns?

The phrase "out of sight, out of mind" applies here. They will see first what pads their pockets and increases their power. It is our duty, as those they represent, to REMIND them that we are here and we care what is happening. We need to frequently, whether by phone, letter or email, let those we elected know our views on the issues. This is part of our responsibility as Americans. "We the people" implies action on our parts to support and maintain the writings that govern our lives.

8. Do you believe that our "public servants" have your best interests at heart and will defend your life, liberty, and property?

I wish for it. I hope for it. I dream for it. Alas, it is not our current reality. Congress has shown that they will hold to a certain set of actions regardless of what their constituents may feel and damn the consequences. I think they no longer serve the public but themselves.

I was not always so cynical about our government. It is a good one representing freedom and unity. Our Constitution is a timeless work designed to protect the governed from those who would govern. Somewhere along the way, our elected officials departed from this path. They instead choose to push their powers to micromanage the lives of those they were intended to serve "for our own good." We need to regain the path of freedom from interference. We need to take a stand and announce to, nay demand, a return to common sense and practicality.

We need our officials to recognize simple truths such as for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example, if you tax a business, they will pay for that tax with increased prices. Those increase prices will not be affordable to those struggling in this weak economy. They will choose to do without. When they choose to do without, the business earns less money and will let workers go to balance their tills. Those workers let go, will be unable to afford the products as well and the cycle will continue. They need to step back and let business right itself. Nature wants to find a balance. Let it and stop playing whack-a-mole with the economy and our lives.

We need to make our voices heard in as many ways as possible whether in rallies, letters, blogs, emails, editorials, or phone calls. We need to make our elected "representatives" understand we are ready to make the choice to support them with neither money nor vote unless they return to the American paths of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Daughter of the Electorate

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jobs and Small Businesses

To Congress:

The majority of new jobs comes from small businesses. If the growth of small businesses can be stimulated, new jobs would be created.

What is the best and most immediate way to accomplish this? Some have suggested using TARP funds for this. The TARP Bill stated that all returned funds would be applied to the national debt. It can not legally be used in this manner, nor would it be a good idea. Government money always comes with strings and government controls. If the government made loans to small businesses, the government would be able to control how this money was used. Other restrictions would most likely be added.

Small businesses know what would most help their businesses - not the government. Soon we would have thousands of mini GM's. They would, in effect, all be controlled by the government. No doubt a Small Business Czar would be appointed. We have enough bureaucracies. It has also been suggested that the government could guarantee small business loans. That didn't work very well with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac.

The most EFFECTIVE way to stimulate the growth of small businesses is to lower their taxes. It is direct and immediate. No applications have to be filled out. No approval is needed. It would help all small businesses. Businesses could use this saved money in the way they know would most help their business. They know what they need. Most small businesses file taxes
as individuals. Most new proposals would raise - not lower - their taxes. This would create job loss in a time we desperately need job growth. If Congress is concerned about the high rate of unemployment, it needs to address this by lowering small business taxes.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cap and Trade: Destroying an Economy

Constituents really want to believe that the members of Congress are all reasoning, intelligent people and that the welfare of the country is their top priority. Why in a deepening recession would any sensible, intelligent person vote for legislation that would dramatically increase the prices of all goods? Cap + Trade will do this. It can only result in more jobs cuts and further outsourcing of other jobs.

How can this help the economy? This country is on the brink of an economic disaster of unbelievable proportions. Congress should not be feeding the fire. Cap + Trade is economic suicide. Data shows it does very little to help the environment.

To accomplish little why are you seeking to destroy much? You will change a deep recession into a deep depression. Voting for Cap + Trade puts personal agenda before the good of the nation. I am appalled that any legislator would even consider a bill that includes Cap + Trade.

The Electorate

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Political Responsibility

Democrats now completely control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. They now are completely responsible for any legislation that is enacted. They and they alone will be held accountable. They will own the results of that legislation. No one else will bear the blame. They are the stewards of our future.

It is hoped they will act responsibly with full knowledge of that responsibility. It is hoped they will make informed decisions and will be willing to listen to all points of view. It is hoped they will consider the opinions of the American people.

This is a perilous time. Decisions made now will have far reaching effect. This is not a time to act in haste. It is a time to be deliberate and thoughtful. It is a time to make decisions that are based on what is best for the country and not what is
best for the party.

It is a time to show that you are an American first.

The Electorate

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Read the Bills; We Read Ours

Last weekend I saw a disgruntled citizen with a sign that read "Congress read the bills; we read ours". Now I understand that a citizens group is asking Congressmen and Congresswomen to sign a pledge that promises that they will read bills before voting on them. What a novel, wonderful idea - to actually know what is in a bill before voting on it! We should add this to the Constitution as an amendment!

The founders just assumed that any reasonable representative would do that. Representative Hoyer, the House majority leader, laughed at the idea of pledging to read bills before voting. How can anyone in Congress be arrogant enough to laugh at a legitimate request from citizens? Anyone who laughed at this idea owes the American public an apology. After laughing Representative Hoyer stated that the health care bill would not pass if you had to read it.

If it can't pass if Congress actually knows what is in the bill, it shouldn't pass. What is this - a Star Chamber? Should bills be passed in secrecy?

All bills should be read by those who vote on them. It would be irresponsible to not
do so! The public should also know what is actually in them. Where is the promised transparency? This country deserves better from Congress. I, for one, will observe who in Congress signs the pledge to read bills before voting.

The Electorate

Health Care Plans Under Consideration

One of the health care plans being considered proposes a fine of $750 per person for businesses that do not provide health care. Does Congress really think this would encourage more businesses to offer health care?

Currently it costs companies over $10,000 per employee to provide health care for employees. It would be more cost effective for these companies to pay the fine than it would be to provide health care. This proposed provision would actually result in companies dropping their work provided health care coverage. Perhaps this is the true purpose of this provision. People would loose their work health care plans and be forced into the government run plan that Congress seems to want. People would be forced into an inferior plan with fewer options and rationing.

O GOVERNMENT RUN health care option should be in any Health Care Reform Bill.

The Electorate

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Energy Bill: Results of Cap and Trade

Politicians are saying that the Energy Bill that includes Cap + Trade is first and foremost a jobs bill. That is like saying black is white. If a lie is big enough and repeated often enough, that does not make it any less of a lie. It will cause the loss of an unbelievable amount of jobs. Look to the economies that have tried this. Green jobs were created, but Cap + Trade so dramatically increased the price of all goods that many, many more jobs were lost. Can we not learn from their mistakes?

To stay in business, after Cap + Trade, companies will be forced to raise prices and cut costs. They will lower costs by cutting jobs. The higher prices will force people to buy less. Less merchandise will be needed, which will again force job cuts. Do you see a pattern? Isn't unemployment high enough? Does Congress have to make it worse?

Congress can pass legislation to develop new green energy and create new green jobs. It can do this with a bill that does not include Cap + Trade and save the jobs we have now.

The Electorate

Monday, July 6, 2009

Economy: Outside the Beltway

belt.way.itis n.
1/ the mental inability to view the world as it actually is.

Congress needs to elevate its opinion of the American public. We are not stupid and we are not happy. We also are not impressed by the recent actions of Congress. Congress has taken a bad situation and made it worse by doing the exact oppose of what it should be doing to help this country recover from this recession. Basic economics dictate that the way to stimulate a sagging economy is to lower personal and business taxes - especially small business taxes since most of our new jobs come from this sector. Unemployment has risen and will continue to do so. If unemployment data included those who are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits the unemployment rate would already be in double digits. The first stimulus didn't work. Now you are considering repeating your first mistake. Einstein once stated that the definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting different results. Stop the insanity! The American public is slow to anger, but its patience is limited. Stop trying to change our country and concentrate on fixing our economic problems. We have been pushed about as far as we will go. Back off!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

People cringe when Washington proposes new legislation. Washington seems to want to change the very fabric of our country - to change what makes us Americans. Washington seeks bigger, more intrusive government. It wants to regulate even the private parts of our lives. It wants to regulate what we eat; what we drink; what we drive; our health care; and more. The government wants, in its infinite wisdom, to decide what is best for us. The government is meant to defend us from enemies, but not from ourselves. Congress is supposed to represent our voices.

Why do we feel ignored? When did Congress become the antagonist? When did the actions of Congress become something to fear? Thomas Jefferson said, "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny." Congress and the Administration are burdening us with regulations, debt, and taxes that we do not want and can not afford.

Today we honor and remember those who founded and defended our republic. I would dishonor them if I remained silent. I have never been a political activist, but today I will join like-minded citizens and legally protest the perversion of my country and what we hold dear. We will seek to make our voices heard. Today we still have free speech.

The Electorate

Friday, July 3, 2009

Health Care: Preserving the Good

Wednesday, the President stated that we can't cling to a broken (health care) system that does not work. That is not accurate. It is not broken and it does work for the 84% of us who are insured. While it could be improved by curtailing costs, it is still the best health care system in the world. This is why people from around the world come here for treatment. They flock here, even from Canada and the United Kingdom, because their systems are flawed and rationed and inferior to ours. These are the systems Congress seek to emulate.

Congress should seek to preserve all that is good in our system - not throw it away. Tort reform needs to be considered. This would reduce unnecessary CYA tests and lower malpractice insurance. This would then, in turn, lower medical costs. Fraud needs to be addressed. We need to offer coverage to the uninsured.

Do not bleed our health care with the rationing that must occur in a government run plan. We DO NOT want a government plan run with all the efficiencies of the DMV. A government run tax subsidized plan will eventually eliminate the private sector, because it can not compete with a subsidized plan.

Do not replace a good health care system with an inferior government run plan.

The Electorate

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Great Global Warming Myth

Proponents say the debate is over. This is because it has become increasingly difficult to defend their position. Events are proving them wrong. People are making jokes about global warming as they shovel snow in April, May, and even June.

Climate change is the new catch phrase. At least climate change is true. The climate always has and always will change. It's like saying the wind blows. Many noted scientists never ascribed to global warming. Now many others are abandoning the global warming ship. They recognize a lost cause when they see it.

The Antarctic ice mass is increasing and global temperatures have been cooling for eleven years. The EPA says this cooling trend will continue until 2030. This is about the same thirty year cycle that has been repeated ever since we have recorded temperature data. Temperatures cool for about thirty years; then temperatures warm for about thirty years.

Carbon levels have been consistently and gradually rising for many years. Through these years temperatures have both cooled and warmed in cycles. The level of carbon does not seem to effect it. This is illustrated by the global cooling that occurred from the mid 1940's to the mid 1970's.

In the early 1970's politicians, scientists, and the media predicted a new Ice Age. We were warned that we would all freeze to death. It didn't happen. This was followed by thirty years of warming. In 1998 the next cooling cycle began. Facts seem to indicate that the climate cycles about every thirty years and that these cycles are not effected by carbon emissions.

Why are we even considering Cap + Trade?? Believers in global warming do not want facts. Their minds are already made up. I wish Congress would view this issue with an open mind and stop being "Chicken Littles".

The Electorate

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cap & Trade, "Killing the Economy"

The House passed Cap + Trade. Shame on them! Now we must look to the Senate for some sanity. It is obvious that this bill will devastate the economy and deepen and lengthen the recession. It will cause increased unemployment and send more jobs overseas.

We are hurting out here! Why would any legislator vote for Cap + Trade??

Only four possibilities occur to me.

1/ They actually seek to further damage the economy, which would allow them to further extend governmental controls under the guise of crisis.

2/ They can not or will not oppose party leaders or policies.

3/ They are overly influenced by environmental lobbyists.

4/ They actually believe this legislation will help the environment even though facts show it will have little effect. We could drive Fred Flintstone cars and use candle light and it would only lower the carbon level in one hundred years by a fraction of one percent. We would be destroying ourselves for naught.

If we do not help ourselves, we can not help the world. Help us regain our economic strength.

The Electorate