Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Comprehensive Energy Bill

First and foremost no energy bill that Congress passes should contain Cap + Trade. It will destroy our economy! All it does is punish - by taxing - anyone who uses fossil fuel. Companies may pay the initial tax, but we will pay for it in higher prices and more lost jobs. We have no choice but to use fossil fuels. Why punish us?

Congress seems to like comprehensive plans. Can Congress pass a comprehensive energy bill? This bill should address current, midterm, and future needs. For at least the next fifteen to twenty years, oil will play a significant role in our energy needs. We do not have to depend on foreign oil. We have large amounts of oil and oil shale in our country. The government simply will not let us drill for it. Drilling techniques have advanced greatly. We can drill responsibly. There are areas in which wells could be drilled and pumping oil within two to three years. Why not use our oil and create more jobs here? We would also keep our trade dollars here.

We need to drill for natural gas. We have vast amounts of natural gas and it is a clean burning fuel. We need to build more nuclear energy plants. This, too, would create new jobs and is a clean source of energy. New sources of energy need to be developed. As they are developed and widely available we can transition to these new sources of energy. However, we can not stay in a holding pattern as these new sources are developed. We must use what energy is currently available.

Can Congress pass a truly comprehensive energy bill?

The Electorate

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