Friday, July 17, 2009

DMV of Health Care

America really, really does NOT want a government run, government controlled, health care option. A government run health care plan would be the DMV version of health care with the added disadvantage of rationing. We want to control our own health care. We actually do know what is best for us. We have seen government controlled health care. It is inefficient, wasteful, and inferior to private health care plans. Surprisingly we do not want inferior health care. Imagine that!

Reform is needed, but we want improvement not a government take-over. If you so approve of a government run, government controlled option and vote to include it in a health care bill, then you and your family should be required to enroll in the government run plan. If it's good enough for the American people, it should be good enough for you.

The Electorate

Side note from the Daughter of the Electorate: Why does the government believe that they could efficiently run a nationwide public health care system? Medicare and Medicaid, both government run health care systems, are rife with fraud and abuse and are difficult for those in the system to navigate. The Veteran's health care system, also government run, has been in the news on a regular basis for quite awhile now with stories of inept and deadly mistakes. If the government cannot first fix these systems, why should we believe they can create one that actually works?

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