Thursday, July 30, 2009

Public Co-op: A Rose is a Rose

Suggestions have been made in Congress that the health care bill could omit the public option and could instead include a public co-op. The term public co-op is contradictory. A co-op by nature is not public. It is not associated with the government.

Health co-ops like the one in Washington State are member owned -that is to say private. The hospital board is comprised of co-op members, who are elected by the co-op members. Any profit is reinvested in the co-op. It is not a part of a government entity. Other health co-ops, such as the Farmers Co-op, is comprised of individuals, who join together to obtain lower private insurance rates.

What is a public health co-op? It sounds like another name for a government run, government controlled health care plan. People are opposed to a government run plan; so, lets call it a public co-op. The sounds so much better. It seems that a public co-op is a public option is a government run, government controlled health care program. As Shakespeare once said "a rose by any other name...."

Can Congress stop trying to throw away the health care system we like and just seek to improve it by lowering costs and extending coverage? We ask you to address fraud and tort reform and to make these private plans more available with no exclusions because of preexisting conditions. We really do not want the government involved in our health care decisions. We want to make our own decisions.

The Electorate

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