Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Great Global Warming Myth

Proponents say the debate is over. This is because it has become increasingly difficult to defend their position. Events are proving them wrong. People are making jokes about global warming as they shovel snow in April, May, and even June.

Climate change is the new catch phrase. At least climate change is true. The climate always has and always will change. It's like saying the wind blows. Many noted scientists never ascribed to global warming. Now many others are abandoning the global warming ship. They recognize a lost cause when they see it.

The Antarctic ice mass is increasing and global temperatures have been cooling for eleven years. The EPA says this cooling trend will continue until 2030. This is about the same thirty year cycle that has been repeated ever since we have recorded temperature data. Temperatures cool for about thirty years; then temperatures warm for about thirty years.

Carbon levels have been consistently and gradually rising for many years. Through these years temperatures have both cooled and warmed in cycles. The level of carbon does not seem to effect it. This is illustrated by the global cooling that occurred from the mid 1940's to the mid 1970's.

In the early 1970's politicians, scientists, and the media predicted a new Ice Age. We were warned that we would all freeze to death. It didn't happen. This was followed by thirty years of warming. In 1998 the next cooling cycle began. Facts seem to indicate that the climate cycles about every thirty years and that these cycles are not effected by carbon emissions.

Why are we even considering Cap + Trade?? Believers in global warming do not want facts. Their minds are already made up. I wish Congress would view this issue with an open mind and stop being "Chicken Littles".

The Electorate

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