Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cap and Trade: Destroying an Economy

Constituents really want to believe that the members of Congress are all reasoning, intelligent people and that the welfare of the country is their top priority. Why in a deepening recession would any sensible, intelligent person vote for legislation that would dramatically increase the prices of all goods? Cap + Trade will do this. It can only result in more jobs cuts and further outsourcing of other jobs.

How can this help the economy? This country is on the brink of an economic disaster of unbelievable proportions. Congress should not be feeding the fire. Cap + Trade is economic suicide. Data shows it does very little to help the environment.

To accomplish little why are you seeking to destroy much? You will change a deep recession into a deep depression. Voting for Cap + Trade puts personal agenda before the good of the nation. I am appalled that any legislator would even consider a bill that includes Cap + Trade.

The Electorate

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