Monday, July 27, 2009

Health Care: Plans We Don't Want

Does Congress ever wonder why so many people are opposed to their health care proposals? Let me enlighten you.

1. The government claims that everyone will be covered; the quality of health care will be better; and health care will costs less. Does anyone believe this is possible? The American people are not that gullible.

2. The health care proposals are too expensive. Health care constitutes one-sixth of our economy. A government run option is not only expensive, it is undesirable.

3. No matter who Congress says will pay for these proposals, we know that the people will eventually pay for it – in higher taxes, higher premiums, or in lost jobs.

4. Congress is not properly addressing real ways to cut health care costs. Fraud is rampant in current government run health care programs. It is estimated that this fraud costs taxpayers about one billion dollars a year. Fraud is dramatically lower in private programs. They very actively seek to curb it.

5. Tort reform is not addressed. This would greatly reduce the number of unnecessary tests order. Doctors would not be forced to practice CYA medicine. It would limit the number of frivolous law suits, which would reduce malpractice insurance and lower the cost of health care.

6.When more people are covered and the number of doctors stay the same, you must have longer waits. Rationing is a given.

7. The quality of care would deteriorate. Doctors would have less time with patients and the government proposes limiting which treatments are available.

8. The stimulus bill provided for panels which would determine what treatments are “cost effective” and who may receive these treatments. If you are old or chronically ill your options would be even more limited. The government would determine if you had the right to survive. Isn’t this compassionate and Orwellian?

9. One size does not fit all in medicine. There are too many variables. Doctors must decide what treatment is best. The government should not interfere.

10. One politician actually said that it is the duty of old people to die and get out of the way. What a rich resource would be thrown away if we did this.

11. Small businesses would be taxed up to 8% if they did not provide health care to employees. The plans they offer must also meet set government standards. Small business is the engine of our economy. This would cost many jobs. Jobs are what the country currently needs most.

12. By refusing to exclude abortion from government insurance standards, abortion will, as courts have previously decided, be included. No matter where you stand on abortion, disagreeing taxpayers should not be forced to pay for it and doctors should not be forced to perform it, if it is against their conscience. There are nearly one thousand Catholic hospitals in this country. The Catholic religion – freedom of religion still does exist – condemns abortion. These Catholic hospitals would cease to exist. If they didn't meet government requirements they would not be eligible to receive government funds. Hospitals need these funds to stay in business.

The health care bills in Congress are rushed, ill-considered plans. A government take-over of health care is not wanted or needed. We need thought out good health care reform. Congress needs to do a good job – not a quick job. These problems have existed for decades. Please do this right.

The Electorate

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