Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Destroying the Economy

We see the economy struggling to recover. As it does, Congress and the Administration continue to erect roadblocks that will prevent it. They seek to place more and more burdens on businesses - large and small. Small business is the engine of our economy. Normally small businesses create about 70% of our new jobs. Currently, small businesses are creating almost all of our new jobs. Big business is standing back waiting to see what basic rules the government will change next.

Government has turned the world upside down with its business take-overs and business controls. New and higher taxes are being purposed. More and more, the government is telling businesses what they can and cannot do. Cap + Trade will strangle businesses unless they are one of the select few who will wildly profit from it. Small businesses will be devastated. Health care mandates will damage businesses and Congress ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans do not want a large invasive government run plan. We want a smaller, less expensive privately run plan. Government, however, likes large, expensive legislation that increases its size and power.

As the federal government taxes and spends, seeking to extend its control of our lives and livelihoods, it is killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. If you destroy the economy, you are also destroying yourselves. Washington politicians remind me of the story of the frog and scorpion. The scorpion stings the frog even though he knows his actions will drown them both. When he was asked why he did it, he replied "It's the nature of a scorpion". It is the nature of politicians to seek more power and control even though they must know their greed will destroy the system that gives them their power.

Washington needs to control its nature and its urge to tax,spend, and increase its power and size. Can you think of the good of the country and be an American not a politician?

The Electorate

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