Friday, July 24, 2009

Unemployment Rate: Is it Factual?

Unemployment is the most pressing problem we currently face. The economy can not recover while we are bleeding jobs. The unemployment rate is currently listed at 9.5%. This is abysmal, but is it really factual? Why is the unemployment rate based only on those who are currently receiving unemployment benefits? It does not include those who are no longer eligible to receive unemployment benefits, but are still unemployed. If they were included the unemployment rate would already be over 10%. Does their exclusion just make the situation sound better?

Hiding the real numbers does not change the reality of them. The unemployment rate also does not take into consideration the number of people who are under-employed. People who were once employed full time, but have now been forced to accept part-time work. Part-time work is better than no work and putting food on the table is desirable. The unemployment rate should be based on actual, complete numbers. Only then can we face and address the full problem.

The Electorate

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