Thursday, March 4, 2010

Still A "Bad" Bill

Adding a few pages of watered down Republican suggestions to a 2700 page bill does not turn a bad bill into a good bill. It does not turn it into a bipartisan bill. The blame will not be spread around. It will rest solely on the shoulders of those who wrote and supported it. It is still an ugly bill that will produce dire consequences.

The federal government will still be able to determine what treatment is allowed and who can receive this treatment (Comparative Effectiveness Research panel).

This bill will bankrupt the country. It is Medicare and Medicaid on steroids. We already can not pay for them. Ten years of full implementation of this plan will cost well over two trillion dollars.

A portion of the bill is funded. It cuts over 500 billion dollars from Medicare (those pesky old folks) and creates 500 billion dollars of new taxes. Who in their right mind thinks it is wise to raise taxes in a recession?

The bill will force all people to buy health care insurance – whether they want it or not. Never in the history of our republic have citizens been required to buy something just because they were citizens. This is probably unconstitutional.

Public tax dollars can be used to fund abortion. Should people, who consider abortion to be wrong, be forced to pay for it? Also there is no conscience cause for health care providers.

These are only a few of the undesirable provisions of this bill. It will create a larger more intrusive government that seeks to control our lives. It will lower the quality and quantity of our health care. It will bankrupt this country as it bankrupted the nations of Europe who have socialized (universal) medicine.

We have the best health care system in the world. Why are Congress and the Administration trying to destroy it? The system should be improved not replaced by a system that has been proven not to work.

Congress knows the American people do not want this bill. If this bill is passed, the Fall election will be decided by who voted for the bill and who will vote to repeal it.

The Electorate

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