Monday, March 8, 2010

Terrorist Deals

The White House and Congress are considering playing “Let’s Make a Deal” with terrorism and national security. They could call this plan “Quid Pro Quo for Terrorists”. The Administration would change the scheduled New York trial of Khalid Shekh Mohammed from a civilian trial in New York into a military tribunal at some unknown location. Congress would fund the closing of Guantanamo. This allows Congress to decide which bad policy they want.

The American people are very disgusted with Washington’s deal making. We want a third choice. We want the terrorists tried in military tribunals and these enemy combatants to be held outside the United States. Trying terrorists in civilian courts will be a dog and pony show – a political circus. They are also unnecessarily lengthy, expensive, and will compromise national security. Holding detainees in this country jeopardizes the security of American citizens. It paints a big red target on the communities that surround the prisons at which they are held.

Congress controls the purse strings. Only Congress can provide the funding to close Guantanamo. We ask you not to do this.

The Administration controls the location and type of trials for enemy combatants. Let this be on their shoulders. They will be held responsible. If they choose to ignore the American people, they will pay the cost of their decision. The Administration would be wise to remember that this will be a front and center issue in 2012.

I ask Congress not to accept either bad idea – not the one for detention nor the one for trials of enemy combatants. This would be a “bad” deal for the country.

The Electorate

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