Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

It has been more than 80 days since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill began. I have watched in horrified amazement as this disaster unfolded. It is obvious that we have no idea how to respond to oil spills at this depth. We did not implement our own worse case scenario plan. We did not instigate a burn. We did not have the skimmers and booms we needed. We turned down the offers of other countries who wanted to help.

What did the federal government do? For over 30 days it did virtually nothing! The government sat there twiddling its thumbs as the black oil crept closer and closer to shore. I did not expect the federal government to plug the spill, but I did expect them to do something – anything – to protect the shores.

The Gulf States begged for help. They received little. In many, many cases the federal government actually prevented the states from helping themselves. The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers said that states could not build berms without a study because it might adversely affect the environment. Any sane person knows the oil would do vastly more damage than a berm would.

Please tell me that this very slow and lack-luster response to the spill was not done to advance a political agenda. “If the damage is bad enough, we can pass Cap + Trade.” Of course, the alternative reason – incompetence – is not reassuring either.

It is obvious that this country needs oil – our own oil – to function. We must not depend on foreign oil. Practical alternative fuel is far in the future. We need to seek safer oil. If the government can not protect our shores from deep-water drilling, we need to drill closer to shore where spills can be contained quickly. We need to drill on shore. We need to make use of our large quantities of shale oil. We need more clean coal and natural gas. We can not afford to turn this country into a third world economy by waiting for some unknown or undeveloped alternative fuel. We need fuel now. We have fuel – let us use it.

The Electorate

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Amen. I think you just spoke for most of the country.
