Friday, July 9, 2010

Department of Justice Lawsuit

Today the Department of Justice filed suit against the state of Arizona stating that Arizona’s law was illegal because it was the job of the federal government to secure the borders of this country. No one has ever disagreed with the statement that securing our borders is the responsibility of the federal government. However the federal government is derelict in its duty. The federal government has not secured our borders. It no longer even seems to be trying to secure our borders.

The Constitution was never meant to be a suicide pact. James Madison made it very clear in the Federalist Papers that if the federal government did not or could not secure our borders that states retained the right of self-defense. Does anyone really think that if hostile Indians swarmed a state’s border that the state would wait for the federal government to defend them? The answer is obvious. Drug dealers and human traffickers are now swarming our southern borders. If the federal government will not act, states are permitted to protect themselves.

The federal government should take this opportunity to assure the states that it will secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. The federal government should not seek to further its political agenda by using the trouble and suffering of the citizens of this country.

The Electorate

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