Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Health Care 3.0

Health care is like a bad horror movie. No matter what happens it keeps coming back to life. It will not go away. The American people keep telling Washington that they do not like or want these bills. What part of “no” does Washington not understand? The explanation of the health care bills is not the problem. It is the substance of the bills.

The Administration has posted an eleven page outline of its health care bill. This supposedly “new” bill is mainly the Senate version of health care with a few House provisions included in it. It may be the worst of all three bills.

The federal government will regulate any health insurance price increases. The states already do this. I’m sure federal price fixing of health care insurance is just what this country needs.

The bill still creates a board which would decide what treatments can be provided and who would be eligible for these treatments. Life and death health decisions should not be in the hands of bureaucrats. Treatment decisions should be between the patient and their doctor.

All states would now receive the Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase. The federal government would pay 100% of the costs of new Medicaid recipients until 2018. This can only be funded by new taxes, more printing, or more borrowing. This is irresponsible. After 2018 the states would be responsible for their share of these Medicaid costs. At that time it becomes an unfunded mandate and an albatross around the necks of the states.

In this new bill not only unions are exempted from the tax on “Cadillac” plans. Now everyone is exempt until 2018. After that date the tax will be reinstated – at least for non-union citizens. This is another expensive provision that this country can not afford.

This bill promises everyone everything. It promises anything that might get it passed. Washington can always change it later. Just create a national health care program. Universal health care is the “Holy Grail” of liberals and progressives. They will do or say anything to get it.

The American people do not want this national or universal health care. What sane person would want the federal government to dictate what health care they can receive and how much it would cost? Politicians seem to think the public is stupid. We aren’t stupid enough to put our health care into their hands.

The Electorate

Friday, February 19, 2010

Washington is Still Trying to Push Health Care Down Our Throats

The Administration is crafting a combined health care bill. They state that they will attach this health care bill to a budget bill and use reconciliation to pass the bill in the Senate. They seek to do this since they do not have enough votes to pass this bill any other way. The ends justify the means in their minds. If this is the only way to pass the bill, it should NOT be passed.

Reconciliation is a parliamentary trick – a lawyer’s trick – which allows a bill to pass the Senate with a simple vote of 51. You can not legally create a new all-encompassing program by reconciliation. Reconciliation allows for no debate in the Senate. There will be no cloture vote. It circumvents the intent, if not the letter of the law. Reconciliation is only allowed for budgetary bills. Attaching a health care bill to a budget bill does not make health care a budgetary bill. This would just be another end run around our laws and Constitution.

Health insurance reform can not be passed by reconciliation. No doubt Congress will do this at a latter date. No one would vote against preventing people from being excluded from obtaining insurance because of a pre-existing condition. The new humongous, powerful government health care system would already be enacted. That seems to be what is really important in Washington – not the good or opinions of the people.

If Congress circumvents the will of the people using a cheap trick like reconciliation, the repercussions will be horrific. The people will not tolerate this misuse of power. All and any power that the federal government has comes from the people – not the other way around. If our legislators are unable or unwilling to represent us, we will replace them with legislators who will. November is just over the horizon. If this bill is passed, it can be replaced or can languish unfunded. We want sane, logical health care reform not a large, expensive health care program run by the government.

The Electorate

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Year After The Stimulus Bill

Today is the first anniversary of the Stimulus Bill. Politicians are making the rounds telling us how well this bill has worked. Repeating an untruth frequently does not make it true. The American people know the bill has not worked. The polls all agree on this. Unemployment has increased dramatically after the passage of this bill. The stock market is shaky and most of this country’s retirement funds are invested in 401 (k)s. Every day we see examples of just how bad the economy is. Do NOT tell us the recession is over for it isn’t.

Do these proponents of the Stimulus Bill really think that if they tell us that the Stimulus Bill has worked magnificently, we will suddenly ignore all facts and believe them? What kind of unreal world do they live in? The American public is not gullible or stupid. All these “spinners” are doing is destroying their own credibility.

If Congress really seeks to help the economy and reduce the deficit, they should not implement the remainder of the bill. Over 500 billion dollars of this bill have not yet been spent. This money should be applied to reducing the national debt. The unused or repaid TARP funds should also be applied to reducing the national debt. The TARP bill stated that these funds would be so used. Why is TARP money being used as a slush fund?

Can Congress not repeat last year’s mistakes? The only proven method of improving or ending an economic recession is broad-based tax cuts for individuals and large and small businesses. This year we must leave the world of theory behind and implement policies that history has shown us many, many times do work.

The Electorate

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

National Debt: Debt Reduction Commission

It is encouraging that the federal government is beginning to realize that this country has a debt problem. However I believe that a Debt Reduction Commission is merely a ruse. It is the vehicle that will be used to justify tax increases. The President says he is agnostic about raising taxes. This is Harvard speak for he supports tax increases. During the campaign it was obvious that he could not finance his expensive, expansive agenda by only taxing “the rich”. The middle class will be expected to shoulder the burden too.

We can save the expense of a Debt Reduction Commission. Who doesn’t know that this country has a debt problem? There are only two ways to reduce our debt. We must spend less or tax more. This is not rocket science!

If taxes are raised during a recession, the economy will go into another tail spin. History also shows that if a government raises taxes, government revenue actually decreases. It would be counter productive to raise taxes.

The federal government really, really wants to implement its expensive, power expanding new programs. It must resist this compulsion. Pet projects can wait. The national debt is dragging down the country.

The government needs broad-based spending cuts. Waste and redundancies are rampant in the federal government. In the eighties the government had an independent study to cut costs without effecting performance. The study more than paid for itself.

PAYGO is a good baby step. It would be more significant if waivers were not offered for so many projected programs.

We don’t need a Debt Reduction Commission. We need some common sense in Washington. Cut the wasteful spending! Cut the pet pork projects! Eliminate all earmarks! Be responsible with taxpayer money.

The Electorate

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bi-Partisan Health Care Meeting

I have serious doubts about the scheduled bi-partisan health care meeting. Health care discussions must start from the beginning. Starting any discussion with bills that have already been rejected by the American public is a foolish waste of time. The House bill is toxic. The Senate bill is toxic. What little is known of a joint bill is compromised beyond redemption. The American public wants a simple bill that will cut costs and not infringe upon their rights to control their own health care. We do not want a convoluted monster where quicksand traps are hidden in the details.

Some Democrats are saying that people really liked the health care bills. They just did not like all the special backroom deals that the bills contained. This is not true. Before the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, and the special deals for unions, the American people were against the bills. Poll after poll supports this. To believe something that is so patently untrue is delusional. To quote a past Democrat – “You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.”

I believe that this bi-partisan meeting is intended to be a dog and pony show for the American public. The President believes he can use his oratory skills to convince the American people that anything is true. He thinks he will lift his golden voice and the scales of ignorance will fall from people’s eyes. They will see that he is right. Birds will sing; the clouds will part; and rays of sunshine will illuminate his head. This health care bill is a magnificent bill. It must be for he says so.

When you are selling snake oil, only the gullible will buy.

If this meeting is to be productive – if it is not just a political gimmick – attendees must approach it as honest brokers with open minds. Any health care bill that will be accepted by the American people must start again from the beginning. This country has the best health care system in the world. We want to improve the system not destroy it.

The Electorate

Monday, February 8, 2010

How Secure Are We?

Is the federal government really taking national security seriously? Several incidents in the last year make me doubt that they are.

Last week Iran fired a rocket into space. As Iran launches its space program, we seek to end ours. What is wrong with this picture? This has not only scientific implications - it has military implications. We would be more secure if we maintained our leadership in space.

We are investigating the CIA and the methods it used. Would it not be a good idea to investigate terrorist activities instead? We have neutered the CIA. They are so concerned about avoiding prosecutions that they are afraid to do their jobs. The actions they took in the past were deemed legal at the time. Is the government seriously considering rewriting the laws and prosecuting members of the CIA with ex post facto laws?

We are reading Miranda rights to terrorists on the battlefield and after terrorist acts in this country. We are granting Constitutional rights to enemy combatants. We propose trying these combatants in civilian courts. We should be trying them in military tribunals where classified material will not be compromised and civilians put at risk. What a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

The leaders of our security agencies agree that a terrorist attack in this country is a certainty in the next six months. They know how compromised our security has become.

The primary job of the federal government is the security of this country. This does not seem to be a top priority of this government. I, for one, am not feeling very secure.

The Electorate

Saturday, February 6, 2010

OSHA, VPP and the 2011 Federal Budget

While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is well known, much less is said about one of their innovative safety programs. Created in 1982, the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) is a leader in promoting exceptional habits and policies in the workplace. Companies can apply to join this program to demonstrate their beliefs in a safe and efficient workplace. According to OSHA VPP Fact Sheet, the “sites are committed to effective employee protection beyond the requirements of OSHA standards.” This commitment is revealed in the fact that the average VPP workplace has 51% less lost workdays than companies outside the program. The program is open to both companies large and small and is a boon to the American working environment.

At the outset, companies undergo a rigorous initial week long evaluation. They are then re-evaluated every 3 to 5 years. There are two ratings given to companies during their evaluations. The first rating is Merit which OSHA defines as “an effective stepping stone to Star. Merit sites have good safety and health management systems, but these systems need some improvement to be judged excellent. Merit sites demonstrate the potential and the commitment to meet goals tailored to each site and to achieve Star quality within three years. However, each Merit site is limited to one three-year term unless a second term is approved by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. Onsite evaluations occur every 18 to 24 months.” The second, and higher, rating is Star. OHSA calls this rating “for exemplary worksites with comprehensive, successful safety and health management systems. Companies in the Star Program have achieved injury and illness rates at or below the national average of their respective industries. These sites are self-sufficient in their ability to control workplace hazards. Star participants are reevaluated every three to five years, although incident rates are reviewed annually.”

The VPP is ancillary to OSHA enforcement efforts. It supports rather than detracts from them. In OSHA terms, the program “compliments the agency’s enforcement activity without replacing it, allowing the agency to focus its inspection resources on higher-risk establishments.” Part of the VPP effort is outreach to companies that do not have stellar track records. By doing this, companies can assist others in creating safer and more efficient workplaces freeing agency resources.

In addition, VPP has a training program for employees of Star rated companies to assist in the evaluation and training process. During their 3 year term (after intense training), Special Government Employees (SGE) work with OSHA employees in conducting VPP assessments by reviewing documents, conducting onsite reviews, interviewing employees of the company under review and helping prepare final written reports. There are over 1,600 SGEs and their efforts with VPP are funded by their own companies. As OSHA says in their SGE pamphlet, the SGE program “encompasses the spirit of VPP – industry, labor, and government cooperation,” and it “embodies the idea of continuous improvement.”

The time and support these companies (and many more) have put into providing a safe workplace seems to be going unnoticed by OSHA, the Department of Labor and in the budgets of the current administration. In the FY2010 budget, while there were funds available OSHA did not use them for cooperative programs. Cuts were made to the number of initial audits performed for the year, and an increase in the wait time for recertification was pushed through. For FY2011, Secretary Hilda Solis has stated that OSHA will focus more on enforcement than improvement and thus shift 35 workers from supporting VPP to enforcing regulations. While there is always a need for enforcement of regulations, programs to bolster improvements in workplaces are essential in reducing the number of workplace accidents promoting the health and safety of the American worker. Secretary Solis also made an incorrect statements in the budget proposal when she said, “The VPP program in the past has been successful in promoting best practices and corporate safety and health programs, primarily in high performing large businesses. Rather than devote resources to mostly large companies that voluntarily meet and exceed OSHA’s requirements, OSHA is looking to sharpen its focus on businesses that continue to violate the law and put workers’ lives at risk, as well as on protecting hard-to-reach populations.” While large companies are involved in VPP, small companies hold a strong footing.

An example of a small company with excellent standing in VPP is Scott’s Liquid Gold. It is a company that has been in business for 56 years as an American standard in manufacturing and distribution. Their quality American made products range from wood cleaners to diabetic lotions to cosmetics. They have long been a member of the Voluntary Protection Program yet they are not a large company. Scott’s Liquid Gold has only 68 employees. Their Regulatory/Safety Manager, Kelli Heflin, is a member of the Special Government Employee program and participates in evaluations of other companies all while making sure her own is a safe and healthy place to work.

Please read through and see all that these programs provide employees and employers alike. Help them maintain the staffing levels and improve their budgets. Programs such as these are a necessity in creating and maintaining safe, healthy and happy workplaces.

We need to stand up for the Voluntary Protection Program and the member companies and those who aspire to join. We need to stand up for the Special Government Employee program and the workers who take on the additional job of helping others. We need to stand up for the American attitude of constantly striving for a state of excellence.

The Daughter of the Electorate

OSHA Voluntary Protection Program flyer can be found at:

OSHA SGE flyer can be found at:

Friday, February 5, 2010

Practical Health Care Reform

Cautiously members of Congress are again quietly talking about passing a health care bill. The House wishes to change the Senate bill and the Senate is considering passing the altered bill by reconciliation which would only require 51 “aye” votes. This would be a gigantic mistake. The country is against both health care proposals and would be incensed if a combined bill was passed using a parliamentary trick.

Congress needs to scrap the House and Senate bills. They are toxic. Congress needs to start over with a bi-partisan bill. There are a number of areas of agreement. There are logical steps that would truly improve health care without a governmental take-over.

  1. Tort Reform is essential – real tort reform not token tort reform. A “losers pay” system would greatly reduce frivolous law suits. If doctors didn’t have the threat of these frivolous suits hanging over their heads, they would not order unnecessary tests.
  2. No one should be excluded from obtaining health care insurance because of a preexisting condition.
  3. Do not gut Medicare as more and more seniors enter the system. The government made a promise. It needs to keep it. However we need to actively seek to cut the fraud in both Medicare and Medicaid. Why aren’t we already doing this?
  4. Citizens should be able to purchase insurance across state lines. How can Congress justify regulating health insurance under the commerce clause, if we can not purchase it across state lines? We can buy everything else nationally. We should be able to purchase the health insurance that best suits our needs.
  5. We need more doctors. The federal government should offer full scholarships for primary care doctors-to-be if they will work seven years in a free clinic for a set salary.

Most in Congress would agree to these five steps. Congress needs to drop their agendas and enact common sense solutions. Do not complicate the issue. This should not be about gaining power but about doing the right thing for the country.

The Electorate

A Job Well Done, Senator George LeMieux

I have been very pleased with your representation of Florida. Some would have just put in the time and not truly tried to represent us. You are working hard to provide Floridian the best representation you can.

I support your SJ Resolution 22. I fear it will be ignored in the current Congress although it would be interesting to see who would vote against it. Could Congressmen and women that support this Constitutional amendment encourage their state legislatures to pass this amendment? A Constitutional Convention can also be called by two-thirds of the states.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Economic Insanity

Yesterday Moody’s Investors Service, the leading global credit rating firm, issued a dire warning to the United States. It stated that if our deficit was not reduced or economic growth was not more robust than expected, that this country may well lose its Triple-A credit rating. This would mean that fewer entities would be willing to loan us money and that the interest rates for future loans would go up. This was to be expected after last year’s borrowing and spending spree. The proposed 2011 budget that was submitted this week was the final straw.

This proposed budget did not seek to stabilize debt levels in relation to gross domestic product nor did it seek to reduce spending. Will someone in Washington get serious about this impending financial disaster? We must stop spending what we do not have. Cutting 20 billion dollars from a 3.8 trillion dollar budget is not getting serious about our debt level.

It is almost impossible for economic growth to become more robust. The uncertainty that Washington has created with current and proposed legislation has seriously frightened businesses. They are afraid to grow and are hunkering down waiting to see the outcome of the governmental storm. They do not know what new taxes or regulations will be imposed on them next. Government has become a roadblock to economic growth.

If we hope to remain a tier one nation, Washington must curtail its compulsive spending and borrowing. You must know that the Jobs/Stimulus bill you are considering is stuffed with waste and pet spending projects. You must know that the proposed budget contains the same unnecessary wasteful spending. You must come to your collective senses and cut these useless expenditures. Irresponsible spending and borrowing did not work last year and it will not work this year. Washington has put the nation at risk.

The Electorate

Proposed 2011 Budget

When addressing fiscal responsibility, the President talks a good game. Last week he said that this level of debt and spending is unsustainable. He promised tax relief for small businesses. He said he would freeze a very small portion of the national budget. That was last week.

This week he submits a 3.83 trillion dollar budget. This budget contains a 1.56 trillion dollar deficit. This deficit is even larger than last year’s deficit. The budget contains 2 trillion dollars of proposed tax increases. It does contain 20 billion – with a “B” – of spending cuts. How significant can these tiny cuts be? It is a bone being tossed to all those Americans protesting the out of control spending.

What this country needs are significant spending cuts. No new wildly expensive programs. This country needs significant broad-based tax cuts. Endeavoring to make more loans available to small businesses is laudable. Offering tax credits to small businesses that create new jobs is a step in the right direction. If all small businesses were given tax reductions without conditions attached, more business could expand and new jobs would be created. Do not forget tax cuts for large businesses. They create jobs in larger numbers. Do not forget tax cuts for individuals. They buy goods.

Taxes will increase for anyone making more than $200,000 a year. This includes many, many small businesses. With one hand the government proposes offering tax credits to small businesses that create new jobs. With the other hand the government proposes raising taxes on these same businesses. Does this even make sense?

This country does not want the government to pay lip-service to fiscal responsibility. We will judge the government by its deeds. Don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk.

We can not afford this level of debt. We can not afford this level of spending. We know that the government will seek to stuff this budget with thousands of pet pork projects. My advice is CUT the pork; CUT the spending; and REDUCE the national debt.

The Electorate

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Imbalance in Washington

There is no longer a balance of power in the federal government. The power of the Executive branch has grown at an alarming rate. The Constitution set up a system of checks and balances. It has been compromised. No one branch of government should be more powerful than the other two branches. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches are supposed to be equal. They are checks on each other. If the branches are not equal the republic can not stand for men seek to increase their own power. No man or men can be trusted with absolute power.

In the last year we have seen the Executive branch grow and expand its power dramatically. It exercises powers that it has not been granted. It publicly scolds and scorns the Judiciary and in doing so cites incorrect facts. The power of the legislative branch is gradually being leeched away and Congress does not protest. At times they seem complicit. Why is Congress silent? They are allowing themselves to become irrelevant.

The Legislative branch of the federal government needs to wake up and act to restore the balance of power to our government. They need to stop this slow motion coup d’etat.

The Electorate

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Take the Right Stand for Constellation

In the wake of the new budget's announcement, Central Florida and the nation have taken a strong step backwards. With the President's refusal to fund future manned space flight for NASA and the cancellation of the Constellation Project, the nation is going to take a hit. 5 years and billions of dollars are going to be tossed by the wayside so we can depend on Russia to allow us use of the ISS.

The government funded manned space program has been a major part of the American character over the past 60 years. It has inspired the nation and proven that with hard work and dedication dreams can come true. With every launch, people flock to the space coast to stand in the hot sun or in the cool of night and watch in awe with their heads tipped back and eyes to the sky as that shuttle lifts off. A launch of our astronauts into space creates a moment in time where we stand as a nation in hope, and joy of what we can accomplish. NASA has not only created heroes in astronauts but in the engineers, designers, and workers who created the technology. It has caused children to dream of careers in math, science and engineering. NASA has proved that anything is possible if you can dare to imagine it. In essence, NASA's manned space flight is the American dream.

The loss of government funded manned space flight will be a blow not just with the technology that could have been created but to the strength of the American character and the loss of a driving force for children to follow their dreams into space.

Now is the time for Congress to stand united. Now is the time to support the hopes and dreams for NASA's future in space. Now is the time to push for continued funding for the Constellation Project regardless of how hard the President fights it.

Stand up for your constituents. Stand up for your history. Stand up for the dream.

The Daughter of the Electorate