Thursday, December 16, 2010
1.1 Trillion Spending/Budget Bill
Why is anyone even considering this newly proposed omnibus spending/budget bill? This almost 2000 page bill was introduced two days ago. It has a price tag of 1.1 trillion dollars. Debate starts tomorrow. Senate leadership wants to vote on it tomorrow. It is laden with earmarks – special spending rewards for Congressmen and women, who vote for it. Congress has had months to pass the 2011 budget and did nothing. Now this has to be voted on immediately. It’s an emergency! Don’t read it – just vote for it.
Does the November election mean nothing to Washington? Voters told Congress that their wild, irresponsible spending must stop. This country can not afford it. Congress is destroying this country. Do not borrow anymore money to fund projects that are unwanted or unnecessary. We are 14 trillion dollars in debt. STOP the spending spree!
The other lesson of the November election was that Congress must stop ignoring the voice of the American people. You represent us. You are responsible to us!
Bills like this infuriate the American people. It is deliberately long to conceal all the nasty details you don’t want revealed until it is too late. It must be voted on quickly before anyone knows just how bad it is. It is packed with special rewards for those who vote for it. We remember the Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase. This bill represents what the American people most dislikes about Washington.
The Electorate
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happy 235th Birthday, US Marine Corps!
Some people wonder all their lives if they've mad a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.
-Ronald Reagan
Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
To the few, the proud, the brave, the bold, the ones who run towards danger, who never shirk duty, to each and every Marine whether at home or abroad, as well as those who have gone before and those who's time will come,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Make Your Voice Heard: VOTE!
Election Day is here yet again. It's time to do your duty as an American citizen, drive your ass down to your precinct, and cast your ballot. To quote Charles Schultz, this is your life, Charlie Brown. You need to go out and take part in it.
Remember, no griping unless you've made your voice heard.
The Daughter of the Electorate
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
State Aid Bill
Each state needs to make the hard choices. They must choose what budget cuts suit their circumstances. Law enforcement, fire services, and teaching positions should be the last cuts considered. Every state has non-essential expenditures that can be cut. Each state must decide their priorities.
The purpose of this bill may or may not be to support another union. The issue is that this massive federal spending spree must STOP. The federal government must break its spending addiction.
The Electorate
Monday, August 2, 2010
Non-Enforcement of Immigration Laws
We have immigration laws that have been passed by Congress. The Executive branch has deliberately decided which laws it will enforce and which laws it will not enforce. If the Administration disagrees with a law it has decided that it will not enforce that law. It does not agree with our current immigration laws. Hence it will ignore them.
The Executive branch is, in effect, granting itself the powers of the Legislative branch. Is Congress fighting this usurpation of its power? Of course not, it is meekly ceding its power. Soon their will be no balance of power. The Executive branch will reign supreme. Congress will soon be irrelevant!
It is long past time for the Executive branch to enforce the laws passed by Congress. Enforce our immigration laws. Secure our borders. Require full workplace enforcement. The American people were promised this in 1986 when amnesty was granted to illegal immigrants living within our borders. The federal government has broken its promises.
Once our borders have been truly secured and we have real workplace enforcement for a period of one year, we can consider what to do about illegal immigrants living in the United States.
The Electorate
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
What did the federal government do? For over 30 days it did virtually nothing! The government sat there twiddling its thumbs as the black oil crept closer and closer to shore. I did not expect the federal government to plug the spill, but I did expect them to do something – anything – to protect the shores.
The Gulf States begged for help. They received little. In many, many cases the federal government actually prevented the states from helping themselves. The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers said that states could not build berms without a study because it might adversely affect the environment. Any sane person knows the oil would do vastly more damage than a berm would.
Please tell me that this very slow and lack-luster response to the spill was not done to advance a political agenda. “If the damage is bad enough, we can pass Cap + Trade.” Of course, the alternative reason – incompetence – is not reassuring either.
It is obvious that this country needs oil – our own oil – to function. We must not depend on foreign oil. Practical alternative fuel is far in the future. We need to seek safer oil. If the government can not protect our shores from deep-water drilling, we need to drill closer to shore where spills can be contained quickly. We need to drill on shore. We need to make use of our large quantities of shale oil. We need more clean coal and natural gas. We can not afford to turn this country into a third world economy by waiting for some unknown or undeveloped alternative fuel. We need fuel now. We have fuel – let us use it.
The Electorate
Saturday, July 10, 2010
2011 Budget Hidden in War Bill
What is really offensive is a hidden provision that was added to the bill which states that if the war funding bill is passed that the 2011 budget will “be deemed as passed”. Congress is too cowardly to openly debate and vote on next year’s budget. They know it is larger than last year’s humongous budget. This budget includes over one and a half trillion dollars of deficit spending. Congress knows the public is concerned about their outrageous spending and borrowing. The American people want the government to cut spending and reduce the debt. Congress does not want to go on record as voting for this spending binge in an election year. Hence they seek to hide the budget in another bill.
The 2011 budget should not be slipped through in a hidden provision. It needs to be openly and fully debated. Congress’ votes need to be recorded. If you support the bill, you must be willing to say so. You are responsible for your votes. The American people are tired of dirty tricks and backdoor deals. We deserve better.
Most importantly do not use our military to sneak through more outrageous spending. Anyone who uses our military to pass a bloated budget should be ashamed. This would be Washington at its devious worst.
The Electorate
Friday, July 9, 2010
Department of Justice Lawsuit
The Constitution was never meant to be a suicide pact. James Madison made it very clear in the Federalist Papers that if the federal government did not or could not secure our borders that states retained the right of self-defense. Does anyone really think that if hostile Indians swarmed a state’s border that the state would wait for the federal government to defend them? The answer is obvious. Drug dealers and human traffickers are now swarming our southern borders. If the federal government will not act, states are permitted to protect themselves.
The federal government should take this opportunity to assure the states that it will secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. The federal government should not seek to further its political agenda by using the trouble and suffering of the citizens of this country.
The Electorate
Thursday, July 8, 2010
NASA's Mission
In an interview with Al Jazeera Charles Bolden, the NASA administrator, stated that President Obama charged NASA with three tasks. The most important of these tasks was “to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world”.
This is insanity!! Are the inmates in charge of the asylum?
NASA’s mission is the exploration of space – for this country. NASA is not a political organization. Why is this administration perverting it? Why is Congress allowing this to happen?
Last spring the President, single-handedly, ended the United States manned space program. He gave up our leadership in space. Now he is using this once proud program to investigate global warming and singing “kumbaya” with friends and foes alike.
Bolden also stated that the United States is not going to travel beyond low-Earth orbit on its own. This statement is incorrect. Our government is not allowing NASA to go beyond low-Earth orbit. We have the ability to explore beyond this point. We need to unleash NASA and let it do what it wants to do – what has done in the past and can do again.
Allow NASA to explore the final frontier. The future awaits us.
The Electorate
Snark from the Daughter of the Electorate: I guess we were stupid to believe the goal of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was space flight.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Get Serious: Secure the Border!
Early reports state that the troops sent will be used in administrative positions. We need “Boots on the Border” and not “Boots under Desks”. Currently border patrol agents are out gunned and out numbered. The National Guard could correct this problem.
Meanwhile where is the fence that we have been promised for the last twenty-five years? We can reduce our unemployment rate by hiring workers to BUILD the FENCE. In areas where a fence has been built the borders are significantly more secure.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans are serious about securing the border. Democrats see more Democratic voters. Republicans see cheap labor. The public sees a serious problem that threatens their lives and the national security. We are tired of governmental dithering.
The primary job of the federal government is to protect its citizens. SECURE THE BORDER –NOW! Finish the fence and send at least ten thousand of the National Guard to secure the border
The Electorate
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Health Care Rationing May Be Our Future
NOW let us look at the man that President Obama has nominated to head Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). What are the beliefs and policies advocated by Donald Berwick? CMS is the world’s second largest health care insurance provider - only Great Britain’s NHS is larger. Currently the CMS covers over 98 million Americans and has a budget of around 800 million tax payer dollars. It provides health care coverage for almost one-third of our population.
Donald Berwick is a big supporter of the rationed British system. He has stated, “I am romantic about NHS. I love it.” He has also said, “Any health care funding plan that is equitable civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer...Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.” He believes we should have a socialized health care system like that found in Great Britain. Of course, their survival rate for nearly every disease is significantly lower than ours.
The British rationing system (NICE) denies treatment if they deem this treatment to not be cost effective. Berwick supports this cost cutting rationing saying, “NICE is extremely effective.” I’m sure that the people who die because their treatment is denied, don’t appreciate this cost effectiveness.
The health care bill that Congress passed, against the wishes of the American people, has placed an unbearable burden on our health care system. We do not have the money to pay for it and we do not have enough medical providers. We will have another EMERGENCY. Isn’t it fortuitous that last year Congress established the Comparative Effectiveness Research panel (CER)? What a coincidence! We already have a bureaucratic panel that will determine who is “cost effective” and may receive medical treatment. If Donald Berwick’s nomination is approved he can approve and administer this health care rationing. He has already praised the British rationing system and would support it in this country. When asked if CER would lead to rationing he replied, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
This sounds like a “Death Panel” to me. The question is whether Congress will allow Donald Berwick, a health care rationing enabler, to be appointed to run the CMS.
The Electorate
Monday, May 17, 2010
Deficit Spending
Before the Memorial Day recess Congress proposes to spend 200 billion more dollars. Congress’ pledge to spend tax payer dollars carefully has quickly vanished. This is Washington spending as usual.
Is Congress observing what is happening in Greece? Greece has piled entitlements on entitlements. Greece has been spending money it does not have. Greece is facing bankruptcy. The IMF is bailing out Greece – We are bailing out Greece. This is like Germany bailing out California. We should not be bailing out the EU.
Greece should be a cautionary tale for the United States. Congress has just placed a massive entitlement (Health Care) on the shoulder of the citizens of the United States. Congress has been spending massive amounts of money that we do not have. Washington needs to wake up and smell the rotting roses.
Congress is ignoring the proposed 2011 budget. They do not want to consider it in an election year. They know that the public is disgusted with Congress’ massive deficit spending. The 2011 budget spends 3.38 TRILLION dollars. This is a 9.7 percent increase over this year’s budget – which was a massive increase over the 2009 budget. The proposed 2011 budget includes 1.56 TRILLION dollars of deficit spending.
Congress needs to really listen to the voice of the people. Congress needs to stop spending money that we do not have. Congress is running down the road to ruin. Stop and reverse course!
The ultimate authority...resides in the people alone (James Madison). Congress serves at the pleasure of the people. The people are not happy.
The Electorate
Friday, May 7, 2010
We Need Secure Borders
How many more violent crimes must occur before the government is willing to take action? The federal government needs to send the National Guard to our southern border to stop this invasion. The federal government needs to start building the promised fence – again. The PRIMARY job of the federal government is to PROTECT the American people. When will the government do this?
In the Federalist Papers, James Madison states while the federal government is responsible for protecting our borders that if it does not or can not do this that states retain the right of self-defense. States are ALLOWED to defend themselves. That is what Arizona is doing. It would not have been forced to do this if the federal government had been doing its job.
Long debates can be reserved for the future. The borders need to be secured NOW.
The Electorate
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Puerto Rico Democracy Act
I do object to the parsing of words. If you don’t like the answer to your question, you change the question. Washington is trying to ask the question so that they get the answer they want.
The Puerto Rico Democracy Act proposes a two step process. In the first election the citizens of Puerto Rico will be asked if they wish to maintain or change Puerto Rico’s current status. It is likely a majority will vote for change, since they hold a variety of opinions concerning the type of government they want. Then a second election would be held, which would give them four choices: statehood; full independence; independence with political associations with the United States; and retaining their current commonwealth status.
It is almost inevitable that none of the four choices will receive a majority of the votes. Statehood may indeed receive the highest percentage of votes, but without receiving a majority of votes. If Puerto Rico is to become a state, it needs to be supported by a majority of its citizens. A minority should not be allowed to dictate the type of government that the majority must have.
This matter should be decided by a simple vote. Do you or do you not wish statehood? Let the majority decide. Eliminate the legal eagle wording and political maneuvering.
The Electorate
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
People's Options: Health Care
People have still not forgotten the health care bill. It is still the topic of public daily conversation. We did not want this bill. We did not like this bill. People are unhappy that their opinions were ignored by Washington. We think the bill will personally harm us and harm the country as a whole.
I received your E-mails praising the virtues of the health care bill. Your arguments are weak and unbelievable. Facts do not support your statements. Even government agencies are stating that this bill will not accomplish what Congress said it would. The price of health care will go up not down. Many people will not be able to keep their insurance that they like, because companies will find it more cost effective to just pay the finds. Eventually private insurance companies will be driven out of business.
Congress passed this bill and now the public has to deal with it. In November of 2010 and 2012 we can thank you for this disaster. Twenty states have currently filled suits against the provisions of this bill. Thirty-nine states are considering or already implementing legislation to curtail the bill. A state amendment will be placed on the Florida ballot this November allowing Floridians to express their opinions of this bill. How can not purchasing a commodity be interstate commerce?
The first step to repealing and replacing this bill can begin this November. If the people can regain control of even one house, funding for the bill can be blocked. It can be repealed after the election of 2012. Most provisions of this bill will not go into effect until 2014 anyway. In the meantime we can hope that the courts will make the right decisions and declare the bill unconstitutional – which it is. Congress was not given this power.
My personal choice of solutions is to convince two-thirds of the state legislatures to call for a Constitutional Convention to precisely and limitedly define the phrases “to regulate Commerce...among the several states” and “promote the general Welfare”. Doing this would rectify this problem and prevent future problems.
The Electorate
Monday, April 26, 2010
Incomplete Financial Reform
The recession started with the housing crisis which was caused by sub prime mortgage loans. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with Congress, encouraged and enabled these loans. Starting with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and extended by such bills as the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Security + Soundness Act of 1992 banks were required to grant risky loans to people who could not afford them. By 2001 over fifty percent of home mortgages had to meet the requirements set in these acts. It was inevitable that the housing market would collapse.
Yet most in Congress do not think Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac need to be further regulated. Some in Congress say that these institutions will be regulated at a latter date. When Congress kicks the can down the road that means they will never do it.
When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac granted outrageous bonuses to their executives, Congress ignored it. These institutions have been guaranteed endless bailouts. They are rife with incompetence and corruption. People have protested this for many years. Nothing was done.
Any financial regulation reform is meaningless, if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not included in the bill.
The Electorate
Border Insecurity
It is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the border. Why aren’t they doing it? Almost three years ago Congress promised they would build a fence to help secure the border. Where is the fence?
When Congress finishes the fence and has secured our borders, I will be willing to consider comprehensive immigration reform. Let Congress first show that they take our security seriously and will keep their promises.
The Electorate
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Areas of Concern on Financial Reform
A vital part of needed reform is missing from the proposed financial reform bills. Reforms for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not addressed. These two institutions played a major role in our current recession. It would be foolish in the extreme not to include them in a financial reform bill. It would be like going on a diet without addressing your caloric intake.
Wall Street is going to love the proposed liquidity fund. It provides for a permanent revolving bailout. It will encourage risky financial behavior. Risk will not frighten them, because they will not have to face the consequences of their risky behavior. This provision does not prevent bailouts – It creates them!
Some members of Congress are proposing to again separate commercial banks from investment banks. This is actually a good idea. The Glass-Steagall Act (1933) established this separation. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999) removed this separation and allowed banks to combine commercial, investment, and insurance services. This created banks that were recently deemed “to big to fail”.
The most alarming part of the proposed legislating is the amount of power that Congress cedes to the Executive branch. Without the approval of Congress, the administration can take over any company that IT deems to be at risk. This is not limited to banks. The Administration would control the operations of these companies. It would set policies, salaries, and the very existence of these companies. I would like to ask Congressional Democrats a question. Would you have granted these vast new powers to the Executive branch if George Bush were still President?
I ask Congress to further consider what needs to be included in a financial reform bill. Do not rush this. Our economy is at stake.
The Electorate
Monday, March 22, 2010
To Representative Suzanne Kosmas
The Electorate
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Health Care: Impossible Claims
The government will provide higher quality health care to more people at a lower cost.
The same government that bankrupted social security and Medicare will run this new program so efficiently that the deficit will be reduced by their health care plan.
Medicare can be cut by over 500 billion dollars and the quality and quantity of senior care will not be affected.
The Medicare cuts will save Medicare even though the money saved will be spent to fund health care to other people.
A finite number of health care providers can treat 30 million more people and maintain the same quality of care.
The bill will not cause health care premiums to go up.
The bill will not cause middle class taxes to go up.
The health care bill will not exceed estimated costs. When has any government program not exceeded estimated costs?
Ten years of taxes to pay for the program is truly the equivalent of an average of five years of received benefits. Compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges.
This health care bill will not cause the national debt to soar and bankrupt our country. Out of control spending is destroying the country.
The government can fairly decide what treatment individuals are eligible to receive. Allowing a “cost effectiveness” panel is health care rationing.
Americans do not believe these impossible claims. We are not gullible. That is one of the reasons we oppose the bill. We also do not trust our government to fairly control our health care. The government should not be able to determine how “cost effective” our lives are.
We, your constituents, do not want you to vote for this health care bill – no matter how the vote is hidden. Vote “NO” on the health care bill and “NO” on any self executing rule.
The Electorate
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Are you "undecided" Suzanne Kosmas?
You work for the people of your district. You were elected to represent your constituents. For months we have been expressing our opinions. Have you heard us? You know where we stand. Will you keep your promise to represent us?
Your health care vote is currently listed as “undecided”. What has happened to your “No” vote? After a year’s debate you must know where you stand. The question is do you stand with your constituents or do you stand with your party?
The Electorate
Health Care: Represent Us
Eight months later Democrats are still seeking to pass their bill. They will use any means available – no matter how devious – to do this. The American people DO NOT want this bill. The Democrats are fighting against the American people. They are supposed to represent us, but instead are turning deaf ears to our voices. Eventually they will have to stand before us and our voices will be heard.
Moderate Democrats can still save themselves and their party. All they have to do is say, “I have heard the American people. I will stand with them.” Then they must vote against this unwanted health care bill. They will start over and write a new bill which will improve our health care system instead of destroying it.
The Electorate
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Do Politicians Support the Constitution?
The self executing rule (Slaughter Solution) would “DEEM” the health care bill to have been passed and vote on amendments to the bill. If they approved the amendments rule, they would consider that the House passed the health care bill – without a vote. This is politics as usual in
Article I, Section 7 of the United States Constitution states, “...the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively.”
This method has been used in the past on small matters. It was unconstitutional then – It was just not challenged. Now House leadership is seeking to change one-sixth of our economy and our very lives using an unconstitutional ploy.
The American people would go ballistic if this unwanted bill were to be passed in this manner. We are very tired of the corruption in
The Electorate
Slaughter Solution: Another Cheap Health Care Trick
This bill is already tainted with backroom deals and threats of using reconciliation. Now they seek to provide a method that will allow House members to pass this unwanted bill without going on record as voting for it. If any member is so ashamed to vote for this bill that they don’t want their name associated with its passage, he or she should vote against it.
The Slaughter Solution was devised by Representative Louise Slaughter, the House Rules chairman. Its purpose is to avoid a recorded vote on health care. This rules change would declare that the House “deems” the Senate version of health care to have been passed by the House. Members of the House would then vote on whether to accept the new rule. There would be no real vote on the bill. This would allow members of the House to go home and claim that they only voted for the rules change and not the actual health care bill.
This is nothing but another cheap lawyers trick. If you vote for the rules change, you DO VOTE for the health care bill. You are merely parsing words. If you vote for this government take-over of health care have the guts to say “I voted for this bill”. Your unwillingness to do this proves that you know how bad this bill is and how much the American public is opposed to it.
Listen to your constituents. Scrap this bill; start over; and do it right!
The Electorate
Monday, March 15, 2010
Health Care: Behind Closed Doors
Some Democrats say this bill should be passed because it is historic. The bubonic plague was historic. The Spanish Inquisition was historic. Historic does not mean desirable. Sometimes historic is really bad!
In the past months I have enumerated the many reasons this bill would be disastrous for this country. The economic havoc it will wreak should be reason enough to vote against this bill. You have already heard the reasons why the American public is against this bill. Is ideology the only reason it is being pushed so hard?
Don’t go down in history as someone who voted for this bill that will inflict so much misery on the American people. Don’t make the November election be about who will pledge to repeal the unwanted health care bill.
The Electorate
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Health Care: Let The People Decide
Representative democracy only works if the representatives actually represent the opinions of their constituents. The American people feel ignored. We are the forgotten souls in this debate.
For over a year the Administration and Congress have focused on health care when their primary attention should have been on jobs. Ideology has trumped need.
Most people receive health care insurance at work. Since the beginning of the recession we have lost 8.4 million jobs. If you allow three family members per job that equals about 25 million people who have lost health care insurance because they have lost their jobs. Ironically this is close to the number of people the
In reality the health care debate is more about the federal government securing more power and authority over our lives than it is about more people obtaining health care. Time and time again the American people have told
The Electorate
Monday, March 8, 2010
Terrorist Deals
The American people are very disgusted with
Congress controls the purse strings. Only Congress can provide the funding to close Guantanamo. We ask you not to do this.
The Administration controls the location and type of trials for enemy combatants. Let this be on their shoulders. They will be held responsible. If they choose to ignore the American people, they will pay the cost of their decision. The Administration would be wise to remember that this will be a front and center issue in 2012.
I ask Congress not to accept either bad idea – not the one for detention nor the one for trials of enemy combatants. This would be a “bad” deal for the country.
The Electorate
Friday, March 5, 2010
Are You With The People?
Party leadership is desperate to pass the health care bill. There is nothing that they will not do or say to accomplish this. They will threaten to withdraw their support in the next election. They will promise that any pet pork project that you desire will be included in a future bill.
In the end voting for this bill will cost you more than anything you might gain by voting for it. No reward they promise will compensate for what you lose. The vast majority of the American people are strongly against this health care bill. Voting for it will cost you the support of your constituents. The politicians supporting this bill are fighting the American people.
It will take a very strong person to stand up to the pressure being exerted by party leadership. Will you stand with us or stand against us?
The Electorate
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Still A "Bad" Bill
The federal government will still be able to determine what treatment is allowed and who can receive this treatment (Comparative Effectiveness Research panel).
This bill will bankrupt the country. It is Medicare and Medicaid on steroids. We already can not pay for them. Ten years of full implementation of this plan will cost well over two trillion dollars.
A portion of the bill is funded. It cuts over 500 billion dollars from Medicare (those pesky old folks) and creates 500 billion dollars of new taxes. Who in their right mind thinks it is wise to raise taxes in a recession?
The bill will force all people to buy health care insurance – whether they want it or not. Never in the history of our republic have citizens been required to buy something just because they were citizens. This is probably unconstitutional.
Public tax dollars can be used to fund abortion. Should people, who consider abortion to be wrong, be forced to pay for it? Also there is no conscience cause for health care providers.
These are only a few of the undesirable provisions of this bill. It will create a larger more intrusive government that seeks to control our lives. It will lower the quality and quantity of our health care. It will bankrupt this country as it bankrupted the nations of
We have the best health care system in the world. Why are Congress and the Administration trying to destroy it? The system should be improved not replaced by a system that has been proven not to work.
Congress knows the American people do not want this bill. If this bill is passed, the Fall election will be decided by who voted for the bill and who will vote to repeal it.
The Electorate
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
We Do Not Consent!
Congress is supposed to govern with the consent of the governed. You do not have our consent. I will speak as clearly and concisely as I can. I will speak slowly and use small words.
The Electorate
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Health Care Through Reconciliation
The Senate bill is a monstrosity filled with corrupt deals that were crafted behind closed doors. The quality and cost of the health care you receive depends on where you live. In Florida we retain Medicare Advantage. In Nebraska the state will not have to pay new Medicaid costs. Connecticut and Louisiana received “special” deals. Americans should be treated equally no matter where they live.
The proposed program will be paid for by cutting 500 billion dollars from Medicare as more and more people enter Medicare. Some are even foolish enough to claim that cutting Medicare expenses will save the program. This money is not being saved. The federal government is using this money to pay for health care for others.
The plan is also being paid for by a bevy of new taxes. Congress proposes raising taxes in a recession. This can only prolong and deepen the recession. “Cadillac” plans – most plans received at work – will be taxed at forty percent. We are already drowning in taxes.
The language in the Senate bill will allow tax dollars to be used for abortion. People who believe that abortion is morally wrong should not be forced to pay for abortion for others.
This is the bill that House leadership will ask you to vote for. It is an ugly bill and will greatly exceed its estimated cost of just under a trillion dollars. This bill will affect one-sixth of our economy and the daily lives of all Americans. It should not be passed in such a devious manner.
You will face huge pressure to vote for the Senate health care bill. I hope you are strong enough to stand up to this pressure and stand up for the people you represent.
The Electorate
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Senate passed a 15 billion dollar jobs bill. This bill exempts small businesses, who hire unemployed workers – What about underemployed workers? – from the 6.2 social security tax until December and allows a one time $1000 tax credit if the worker retains his or her job for one year. This is not really much of an incentive to hire new workers. It may offer a small amount of help, but will not reverse the massive job losses that are crippling this country. The bill is exempted from PAYGO and will be financed by increasing the deficit. Moody’s Investors Services estimate that it may create 250,000 new jobs. This is not cost effective job creation.
Congress wasted 862 billion dollars on a “stimulus” bill filled with pet pork projects. Unsurprisingly it did not work. The Senate proposes spending just 15 billion dollars on jobs. That tells you what their priorities are.
The House’s “jobs” bill proposes spending 154 billion dollars. A portion of it will be used to encourage small businesses to hire unemployed workers. It proposes using 75 billion of TARP funds for aid to states and infrastructure. The TARP bill stipulated that returned or unused TARP funds would be used to reduce the national debt. It is illegal to use this money as the House proposes. The bill also extends unemployment benefits by six months; expands the child tax credit; and extends highway and mass transit programs. This is not really a jobs bill. It’s the “Son of Stimulus” bill.
Washington needs to get serious about jobs. The government does not create anything but short term or bureaucratic jobs. Businesses create jobs. All the government can do is to create an atmosphere that is conducive to job creation. This can mainly be accomplished by across the board tax cuts. Right now the government is a roadblock to job creation. Government needs to get out of business’ way and let capitalism work.
The Electorate
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Health Care 3.0
The Administration has posted an eleven page outline of its health care bill. This supposedly “new” bill is mainly the Senate version of health care with a few House provisions included in it. It may be the worst of all three bills.
The federal government will regulate any health insurance price increases. The states already do this. I’m sure federal price fixing of health care insurance is just what this country needs.
The bill still creates a board which would decide what treatments can be provided and who would be eligible for these treatments. Life and death health decisions should not be in the hands of bureaucrats. Treatment decisions should be between the patient and their doctor.
All states would now receive the Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase. The federal government would pay 100% of the costs of new Medicaid recipients until 2018. This can only be funded by new taxes, more printing, or more borrowing. This is irresponsible. After 2018 the states would be responsible for their share of these Medicaid costs. At that time it becomes an unfunded mandate and an albatross around the necks of the states.
In this new bill not only unions are exempted from the tax on “Cadillac” plans. Now everyone is exempt until 2018. After that date the tax will be reinstated – at least for non-union citizens. This is another expensive provision that this country can not afford.
This bill promises everyone everything. It promises anything that might get it passed. Washington can always change it later. Just create a national health care program. Universal health care is the “Holy Grail” of liberals and progressives. They will do or say anything to get it.
The American people do not want this national or universal health care. What sane person would want the federal government to dictate what health care they can receive and how much it would cost? Politicians seem to think the public is stupid. We aren’t stupid enough to put our health care into their hands.
The Electorate
Friday, February 19, 2010
Washington is Still Trying to Push Health Care Down Our Throats
Reconciliation is a parliamentary trick – a lawyer’s trick – which allows a bill to pass the Senate with a simple vote of 51. You can not legally create a new all-encompassing program by reconciliation. Reconciliation allows for no debate in the Senate. There will be no cloture vote. It circumvents the intent, if not the letter of the law. Reconciliation is only allowed for budgetary bills. Attaching a health care bill to a budget bill does not make health care a budgetary bill. This would just be another end run around our laws and Constitution.
Health insurance reform can not be passed by reconciliation. No doubt Congress will do this at a latter date. No one would vote against preventing people from being excluded from obtaining insurance because of a pre-existing condition. The new humongous, powerful government health care system would already be enacted. That seems to be what is really important in Washington – not the good or opinions of the people.
If Congress circumvents the will of the people using a cheap trick like reconciliation, the repercussions will be horrific. The people will not tolerate this misuse of power. All and any power that the federal government has comes from the people – not the other way around. If our legislators are unable or unwilling to represent us, we will replace them with legislators who will. November is just over the horizon. If this bill is passed, it can be replaced or can languish unfunded. We want sane, logical health care reform not a large, expensive health care program run by the government.
The Electorate
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A Year After The Stimulus Bill
Do these proponents of the Stimulus Bill really think that if they tell us that the Stimulus Bill has worked magnificently, we will suddenly ignore all facts and believe them? What kind of unreal world do they live in? The American public is not gullible or stupid. All these “spinners” are doing is destroying their own credibility.
If Congress really seeks to help the economy and reduce the deficit, they should not implement the remainder of the bill. Over 500 billion dollars of this bill have not yet been spent. This money should be applied to reducing the national debt. The unused or repaid TARP funds should also be applied to reducing the national debt. The TARP bill stated that these funds would be so used. Why is TARP money being used as a slush fund?
Can Congress not repeat last year’s mistakes? The only proven method of improving or ending an economic recession is broad-based tax cuts for individuals and large and small businesses. This year we must leave the world of theory behind and implement policies that history has shown us many, many times do work.
The Electorate
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
National Debt: Debt Reduction Commission
We can save the expense of a Debt Reduction Commission. Who doesn’t know that this country has a debt problem? There are only two ways to reduce our debt. We must spend less or tax more. This is not rocket science!
If taxes are raised during a recession, the economy will go into another tail spin. History also shows that if a government raises taxes, government revenue actually decreases. It would be counter productive to raise taxes.
The federal government really, really wants to implement its expensive, power expanding new programs. It must resist this compulsion. Pet projects can wait. The national debt is dragging down the country.
The government needs broad-based spending cuts. Waste and redundancies are rampant in the federal government. In the eighties the government had an independent study to cut costs without effecting performance. The study more than paid for itself.
PAYGO is a good baby step. It would be more significant if waivers were not offered for so many projected programs.
We don’t need a Debt Reduction Commission. We need some common sense in Washington. Cut the wasteful spending! Cut the pet pork projects! Eliminate all earmarks! Be responsible with taxpayer money.
The Electorate
Friday, February 12, 2010
Bi-Partisan Health Care Meeting
Some Democrats are saying that people really liked the health care bills. They just did not like all the special backroom deals that the bills contained. This is not true. Before the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, and the special deals for unions, the American people were against the bills. Poll after poll supports this. To believe something that is so patently untrue is delusional. To quote a past Democrat – “You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.”
I believe that this bi-partisan meeting is intended to be a dog and pony show for the American public. The President believes he can use his oratory skills to convince the American people that anything is true. He thinks he will lift his golden voice and the scales of ignorance will fall from people’s eyes. They will see that he is right. Birds will sing; the clouds will part; and rays of sunshine will illuminate his head. This health care bill is a magnificent bill. It must be for he says so.
When you are selling snake oil, only the gullible will buy.
If this meeting is to be productive – if it is not just a political gimmick – attendees must approach it as honest brokers with open minds. Any health care bill that will be accepted by the American people must start again from the beginning. This country has the best health care system in the world. We want to improve the system not destroy it.
The Electorate
Monday, February 8, 2010
How Secure Are We?
Last week Iran fired a rocket into space. As Iran launches its space program, we seek to end ours. What is wrong with this picture? This has not only scientific implications - it has military implications. We would be more secure if we maintained our leadership in space.
We are investigating the CIA and the methods it used. Would it not be a good idea to investigate terrorist activities instead? We have neutered the CIA. They are so concerned about avoiding prosecutions that they are afraid to do their jobs. The actions they took in the past were deemed legal at the time. Is the government seriously considering rewriting the laws and prosecuting members of the CIA with ex post facto laws?
We are reading Miranda rights to terrorists on the battlefield and after terrorist acts in this country. We are granting Constitutional rights to enemy combatants. We propose trying these combatants in civilian courts. We should be trying them in military tribunals where classified material will not be compromised and civilians put at risk. What a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
The leaders of our security agencies agree that a terrorist attack in this country is a certainty in the next six months. They know how compromised our security has become.
The primary job of the federal government is the security of this country. This does not seem to be a top priority of this government. I, for one, am not feeling very secure.
The Electorate
Saturday, February 6, 2010
OSHA, VPP and the 2011 Federal Budget
At the outset, companies undergo a rigorous initial week long evaluation. They are then re-evaluated every 3 to 5 years. There are two ratings given to companies during their evaluations. The first rating is Merit which OSHA defines as “an effective stepping stone to Star. Merit sites have good safety and health management systems, but these systems need some improvement to be judged excellent. Merit sites demonstrate the potential and the commitment to meet goals tailored to each site and to achieve Star quality within three years. However, each Merit site is limited to one three-year term unless a second term is approved by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. Onsite evaluations occur every 18 to 24 months.” The second, and higher, rating is Star. OHSA calls this rating “for exemplary worksites with comprehensive, successful safety and health management systems. Companies in the Star Program have achieved injury and illness rates at or below the national average of their respective industries. These sites are self-sufficient in their ability to control workplace hazards. Star participants are reevaluated every three to five years, although incident rates are reviewed annually.”
The VPP is ancillary to OSHA enforcement efforts. It supports rather than detracts from them. In OSHA terms, the program “compliments the agency’s enforcement activity without replacing it, allowing the agency to focus its inspection resources on higher-risk establishments.” Part of the VPP effort is outreach to companies that do not have stellar track records. By doing this, companies can assist others in creating safer and more efficient workplaces freeing agency resources.
In addition, VPP has a training program for employees of Star rated companies to assist in the evaluation and training process. During their 3 year term (after intense training), Special Government Employees (SGE) work with OSHA employees in conducting VPP assessments by reviewing documents, conducting onsite reviews, interviewing employees of the company under review and helping prepare final written reports. There are over 1,600 SGEs and their efforts with VPP are funded by their own companies. As OSHA says in their SGE pamphlet, the SGE program “encompasses the spirit of VPP – industry, labor, and government cooperation,” and it “embodies the idea of continuous improvement.”
The time and support these companies (and many more) have put into providing a safe workplace seems to be going unnoticed by OSHA, the Department of Labor and in the budgets of the current administration. In the FY2010 budget, while there were funds available OSHA did not use them for cooperative programs. Cuts were made to the number of initial audits performed for the year, and an increase in the wait time for recertification was pushed through. For FY2011, Secretary Hilda Solis has stated that OSHA will focus more on enforcement than improvement and thus shift 35 workers from supporting VPP to enforcing regulations. While there is always a need for enforcement of regulations, programs to bolster improvements in workplaces are essential in reducing the number of workplace accidents promoting the health and safety of the American worker. Secretary Solis also made an incorrect statements in the budget proposal when she said, “The VPP program in the past has been successful in promoting best practices and corporate safety and health programs, primarily in high performing large businesses. Rather than devote resources to mostly large companies that voluntarily meet and exceed OSHA’s requirements, OSHA is looking to sharpen its focus on businesses that continue to violate the law and put workers’ lives at risk, as well as on protecting hard-to-reach populations.” While large companies are involved in VPP, small companies hold a strong footing.
An example of a small company with excellent standing in VPP is Scott’s Liquid Gold. It is a company that has been in business for 56 years as an American standard in manufacturing and distribution. Their quality American made products range from wood cleaners to diabetic lotions to cosmetics. They have long been a member of the Voluntary Protection Program yet they are not a large company. Scott’s Liquid Gold has only 68 employees. Their Regulatory/Safety Manager, Kelli Heflin, is a member of the Special Government Employee program and participates in evaluations of other companies all while making sure her own is a safe and healthy place to work.
Please read through and see all that these programs provide employees and employers alike. Help them maintain the staffing levels and improve their budgets. Programs such as these are a necessity in creating and maintaining safe, healthy and happy workplaces.
We need to stand up for the Voluntary Protection Program and the member companies and those who aspire to join. We need to stand up for the Special Government Employee program and the workers who take on the additional job of helping others. We need to stand up for the American attitude of constantly striving for a state of excellence.
The Daughter of the Electorate
OSHA Voluntary Protection Program flyer can be found at:
OSHA SGE flyer can be found at:
Friday, February 5, 2010
Practical Health Care Reform
Congress needs to scrap the House and Senate bills. They are toxic. Congress needs to start over with a bi-partisan bill. There are a number of areas of agreement. There are logical steps that would truly improve health care without a governmental take-over.
- Tort Reform is essential – real tort reform not token tort reform. A “losers pay” system would greatly reduce frivolous law suits. If doctors didn’t have the threat of these frivolous suits hanging over their heads, they would not order unnecessary tests.
- No one should be excluded from obtaining health care insurance because of a preexisting condition.
- Do not gut Medicare as more and more seniors enter the system. The government made a promise. It needs to keep it. However we need to actively seek to cut the fraud in both Medicare and Medicaid. Why aren’t we already doing this?
- Citizens should be able to purchase insurance across state lines. How can Congress justify regulating health insurance under the commerce clause, if we can not purchase it across state lines? We can buy everything else nationally. We should be able to purchase the health insurance that best suits our needs.
- We need more doctors. The federal government should offer full scholarships for primary care doctors-to-be if they will work seven years in a free clinic for a set salary.
Most in Congress would agree to these five steps. Congress needs to drop their agendas and enact common sense solutions. Do not complicate the issue. This should not be about gaining power but about doing the right thing for the country.
The Electorate
A Job Well Done, Senator George LeMieux
I support your SJ Resolution 22. I fear it will be ignored in the current Congress although it would be interesting to see who would vote against it. Could Congressmen and women that support this Constitutional amendment encourage their state legislatures to pass this amendment? A Constitutional Convention can also be called by two-thirds of the states.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Economic Insanity
This proposed budget did not seek to stabilize debt levels in relation to gross domestic product nor did it seek to reduce spending. Will someone in Washington get serious about this impending financial disaster? We must stop spending what we do not have. Cutting 20 billion dollars from a 3.8 trillion dollar budget is not getting serious about our debt level.
It is almost impossible for economic growth to become more robust. The uncertainty that Washington has created with current and proposed legislation has seriously frightened businesses. They are afraid to grow and are hunkering down waiting to see the outcome of the governmental storm. They do not know what new taxes or regulations will be imposed on them next. Government has become a roadblock to economic growth.
If we hope to remain a tier one nation, Washington must curtail its compulsive spending and borrowing. You must know that the Jobs/Stimulus bill you are considering is stuffed with waste and pet spending projects. You must know that the proposed budget contains the same unnecessary wasteful spending. You must come to your collective senses and cut these useless expenditures. Irresponsible spending and borrowing did not work last year and it will not work this year. Washington has put the nation at risk.
The Electorate
Proposed 2011 Budget
This week he submits a 3.83 trillion dollar budget. This budget contains a 1.56 trillion dollar deficit. This deficit is even larger than last year’s deficit. The budget contains 2 trillion dollars of proposed tax increases. It does contain 20 billion – with a “B” – of spending cuts. How significant can these tiny cuts be? It is a bone being tossed to all those Americans protesting the out of control spending.
What this country needs are significant spending cuts. No new wildly expensive programs. This country needs significant broad-based tax cuts. Endeavoring to make more loans available to small businesses is laudable. Offering tax credits to small businesses that create new jobs is a step in the right direction. If all small businesses were given tax reductions without conditions attached, more business could expand and new jobs would be created. Do not forget tax cuts for large businesses. They create jobs in larger numbers. Do not forget tax cuts for individuals. They buy goods.
Taxes will increase for anyone making more than $200,000 a year. This includes many, many small businesses. With one hand the government proposes offering tax credits to small businesses that create new jobs. With the other hand the government proposes raising taxes on these same businesses. Does this even make sense?
This country does not want the government to pay lip-service to fiscal responsibility. We will judge the government by its deeds. Don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk.
We can not afford this level of debt. We can not afford this level of spending. We know that the government will seek to stuff this budget with thousands of pet pork projects. My advice is CUT the pork; CUT the spending; and REDUCE the national debt.
The Electorate
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Imbalance in Washington
In the last year we have seen the Executive branch grow and expand its power dramatically. It exercises powers that it has not been granted. It publicly scolds and scorns the Judiciary and in doing so cites incorrect facts. The power of the legislative branch is gradually being leeched away and Congress does not protest. At times they seem complicit. Why is Congress silent? They are allowing themselves to become irrelevant.
The Legislative branch of the federal government needs to wake up and act to restore the balance of power to our government. They need to stop this slow motion coup d’etat.
The Electorate
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Take the Right Stand for Constellation
The government funded manned space program has been a major part of the American character over the past 60 years. It has inspired the nation and proven that with hard work and dedication dreams can come true. With every launch, people flock to the space coast to stand in the hot sun or in the cool of night and watch in awe with their heads tipped back and eyes to the sky as that shuttle lifts off. A launch of our astronauts into space creates a moment in time where we stand as a nation in hope, and joy of what we can accomplish. NASA has not only created heroes in astronauts but in the engineers, designers, and workers who created the technology. It has caused children to dream of careers in math, science and engineering. NASA has proved that anything is possible if you can dare to imagine it. In essence, NASA's manned space flight is the American dream.
The loss of government funded manned space flight will be a blow not just with the technology that could have been created but to the strength of the American character and the loss of a driving force for children to follow their dreams into space.
Now is the time for Congress to stand united. Now is the time to support the hopes and dreams for NASA's future in space. Now is the time to push for continued funding for the Constellation Project regardless of how hard the President fights it.
Stand up for your constituents. Stand up for your history. Stand up for the dream.
The Daughter of the Electorate
Sunday, January 31, 2010
American Space Program
NASA is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The President is trying to take the Space out of NASA. It would be short-sighted in the extreme to end the Space Program. We are the leader in space exploration and development. Why do we seek to throw this away? Does Washington just feel the need to denigrate American exceptionalism? Should we just throw away what we have already invested in our Space Program – all the money and lives?
We can not depend on Russia for access to the Space Station. Russia is not our friend. Once Russia controls sole access to the Space Station, Russia owns the Space Station. It can do whatever it wants with it. It could even militarize it. We could not prevent it. We would be a third world country of space. Commercial flights to the Space Station would not be available for many years. If nothing else, we need to maintain a limited shuttle program until the gap is filled. Two shuttles could be kept flight ready. The other shuttle could be used for parts. Even if we only flew two missions a year, we would still be in the game.
Should one man be allowed to destroy the entire United States Space Program? NASA is a mere drop in the federal budget. The government wastes money on turtle tunnels and swine manure research, but our Space Program is expendable? Where are Washington’s priorities? It is now up to Congress.
Will Congress allow the Dream to live on or will it throw away all that we have accomplished?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The State of the Union Address
Some of his remarks were jaw-dropping. He wants Congress to “continue down the path of earmark reform.” Is this the same President that happily signed bills with 9,000 earmarks and 5,000 earmarks? There has been no earmark reform. He’s “trimmed spending?" What he has done is quadruple the debt with wild, out of control spending. He states “the worst of the storm has passed.” I don’t think so and most of America agrees with me. He still states government will be “transparent.” What I have seen is backroom deals made behind closed doors. He continues making the same old promises. Promises he won’t deliver on. There is a big disconnect between what he says and what he does.
The President said that he should have explained the health care bill better. He explained it over and over and over again. He thought that, of course, people would agree with him if only they were smart enough to understand. How arrogant! People just did not accept the bill. They do not want the federal government to control their health care or their health care decisions.
There were some good proposals in the speech. The tax burden on small businesses was to be lessened. Targeted individual tax cuts were proposed, but we need broad-based individual tax cuts. Washington needs to stop picking winners and losers in the tax game and treat the people equally. The President said he would consider building more nuclear energy facilities; a greater use of clean coal; and off-shore drilling. Of course he said this when he was campaigning. I’ll believe this when the oil starts flowing.
Apparently the President is tone-deaf to the voice of the American people. When he says he will continue to fight for his agenda, does he realize what he is fighting is the will of the American people? Does Congress realize this? We elected our Congressmen and women to represent us. Will they truly represent us? This remains to be seen.
The Electorate
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Real Jobs Bill
The government is not an effective creator of lasting jobs. Infrastructure jobs only last for a limited time. We need lasting jobs. Any job created by the government costs vastly more than the job pays. Bureaucracies waste money. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars. If the government is serious about improving the economy, it needs to create a business friendly atmosphere. The federal government needs to lower taxes on individuals and large and small businesses. It needs to temporarily loosen regulations. This will create jobs and help vitalize the economy.
It is the nature of businesses and individuals to seek to prosper – to improve their lot. We will find a way, if government stops stifling us. No one knows what new tax or regulation will next be placed on our shoulders. Business hates uncertainty. The government needs to get out of the way and let capitalism work. Only business can effectively create jobs. Help them do it.
Currently, small businesses are creating nearly all of our new jobs. They, in particular, need their burdens lessened. Reduce their taxes and offer incentives for job creation. However, do not ignore large corporations for they can create jobs in larger numbers.
I implore Congress not to repeat the mistakes of last year. An expanding government impedes the economy. Government is not the solution. Do not block a recovery. Have faith in the people and the country. Help us help ourselves.
The Electorate
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Senator Bill Nelson: "Special" Perks for Florida
The Electorate
National Debt
The Administration is proposing freezing discretionary spending for three years. This would be more significant if last year this spending had not been raised twenty-four percent. The government proposes freezing spending at last year’s ridiculous level and this is supposed to be fiscal responsibility? Congress should propose cutting spending by ten percent for the next financial year and by another five percent in the following year. The current level of spending is unsustainable.
The Administration also suggested cutting 250 billion dollars from the budget over the next ten years. That is 25 billion dollars a year. It is a mere drop in the federal budget. It is as significant as if I said that I would cut my spending by a penny a week. Can we not get serious about the dangers of our national debt?
If Congress is truly concerned about the size of the national debt, it will cut discretionary spending, postpone new large spending projects, cut pork projects, and eliminate earmarks forever. Congress must stop trying to spend its way out of a recession. It has never been done. It is impossible! Excessive government spending will only prolong the recession. Look to history. All the spending FDR did in the thirties did not end the recession. The recession did not end until we became involved in World War II. We were the only country in the world during this era to have a “Great” depression. Everyone else had a depression. If you doubt this, check the unemployment numbers.
Ultimately, the debt can be lowered by economic growth. This can be accomplished if the government allows businesses to recover by implementing business friendly policies and by controlling governmental spending.
The Electorate
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Why I Write
Washington has forgotten what has made this country great. The Constitution has become something that lawyers try to circumvent. They play word games with it. We know what it means. The Constitution can only legally be changed by amendment. Stop trying to pervert its meaning for your own purposes. I see our Republic and all we hold dear under attack, and I can’t just silently sit back and watch it happen.
This country was formed by men and women who put everything on the line to guarantee basic human rights for themselves and their posterity. Some of my ancestors were among them. Through the years others fought and bled and died defending our rights to this free government. Men and women are still fighting and dying for it. I can’t now be silent while you try to alter or dismantle this government. I couldn’t live with myself if I did. We have a trust with the future.
So I will continue to write. I will come to Washington, if I must, and stand with like minded citizens. This country is worth standing up for.
The Electorate
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wake Up Call
Send the health care bill back to the drawing board and do it right. Stop the irresponsible spending. Eliminate earmarks and backroom deals for special groups. Cut discretionary spending. Reduce the national debt – Why isn’t returned TARP money being used to pay down the debt as was stipulated in the TARP bill? Cut business and individual taxes so that more jobs can be created. Drop the political correctness and start taking national security seriously.
The United States government is the people’s government. Stop ignoring the will of the people!
The Electorate
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Health Care: Please Explain
The Electorate
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Health Care: Sold To Special Interests
Perhaps I was an optimist, but I thought there were still legislators in Washington who wanted to do what was best for the country - that they would base their votes on this and not party politics. How naive I was! This has not happened. It takes a special kind of moral fortitude to stand up for what is right and withstand the threats, browbeating, and bribes of party leaders. Does anyone in Washington still have this moral fortitude? If so the fate of the country is in their hands.
The Electorate
Friday, January 15, 2010
Why Are Unions Special?
It is being proposed that union members will be exempted from the 40 percent Cadillac tax on health care until 2018. Everyone else will be subject to this tax. Union members are treated in a different manner than their neighbors are – even if their neighbors make less than they do. Even union members will tell you that this is not fair. Fairness is an American characteristic. This will be an unpopular decision. It may be the final blow for the Democratic Party. Our founding documents guarantee us equal treatment and equal opportunity. Where is the equality in this proposed health care bill?
Union members are exempt from paying their fair share. Lawyers wouldn’t allow tort reform to be included in this bill. Unions and lawyers support Democrats financially and at the polls. This bill is blatant pay-back. I would hope that we could have a health care bill that would benefit all of America. Apparently Congress wishes us to have a bill that only benefits a select friendly few. Citizens will vocally oppose this unfair treatment and their wraith will be felt in the November elections. The clock is ticking.
The Electorate
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Full Body Scans
Instead of using full body scanners why not use thermal imagery? Screeners see travelers’ bodies as fully clothed while hidden items show up as dark areas. This would help secure our flying safety while protecting our basic human rights. It should also be less expensive to implement. A Tampa company, Thermal Matrix, has developed this technology. This gives you the opportunity to help protect the security of our nation and promote business in our state. It’s a win-win for Florida representatives.
The Electorate